Friday, June 17, 2011

My three ring circus week

Ok, so this week was beyond circus in my book. Monday started extra early (5:30) with Anthony being woke up by the idiot upstairs stomping around like a pissed off toddler and his tv was beyond cranked high. I could hear not only the voices, but I could almos understand the words. Not even a narcoleptic could have slept through that racket. So i bring Anthony out to the couch in hopes that we get to crash out. Nope. I started feeling cramps and a few contractions. Yay, preterm labor with a baby with a heart defect. Great. So I started gulping the water like my life was in jeopardy. Didn't do much. I tried to stay calm and not focus on what was going on. No such luck. Well, after calling the hopital in Little Falls, my regular ob, the clinic in st cloud, and a few other calls, Adam and I decided better get to the hospital. My ob had said to go to the hospital in st cloud just in case I deliver. yay. So much to do and prep. So Adam leaves work running out the door and I'm sure more than a few concerned looks. He gets home in time for me to get Anthony to sleep for his nap. Adam took Anthony and I got to hop in the shower.
Get out of the shower, I notice the contractions (which were very irregular in strength, duration, and frequency) had slowed even more. Adam and I talked and decided not to go to the hospital, but get an appointment with the ob for that day. Got squeezed in and found out its a good thing the contractions stopped. I had started dialating and thinning out. 1.5 cm and 50%. Adam told me that I was now a sahm again. He'd work my last shift and all since it had been getting harder and harder to work without having others do most of the job for me.
Fast forward to Wednesday. Big dr appointment in st cloud. Ugh those have turned into such a pain, but whatever it takes for the baby. We woke up late (of all days for Anthony to sleep in! lol) and had to play catch up. Dropped Anthony off and flew down to the clinic. Just get inside the health plaza's big parking lot cluster and out of NO WHERE comes this mint green blur, flying past my side of the car in the opposite direction. Mind you, its only 1 laneeach direction, this suv came out of the bushes!! JUST missed hitting us. I had no idea what was going on because I had my nose in the baby name book. I didnt see much. By the time I had a chance to say "WTF??? Adam had the car turned around and was going back to make sure the driver was ok. Pull up to where you come into the paring area and see an suv turned 180degrees from thbe directon it had been going. Dirt, twigs, and grass all over, glass filled the intersection, and there were some various car parts scattered on either side of the road.
Adam ent to make sure she was ok while I called the police. I had to stay back because I could feel my blood pressure rising. Come to find out, the lady was trying to park and her car wouldn't stop. We suspect that she confused the gas and the brake. She ended up flying out of one of the parking lots (there are mini parking lots around the building), through a bush filled median, through another parking lot, into another grassy/bush filled area (surrounding a deep ditch that is filled wth water, but she didnt go through that part, thankfully), past us with feet to spare, saw she was heading toward a busy road and cranked her wheel, which caused her to slide into a light pole, bounce off that and spin around to where the car finally stopped. When she had hit the pole, it ripped the metal panel of her back door off from the hinge side, blew out the windows on the passenger side, smashed the rear passenger wheel in the wrong directon 45degrees, ripped off the piece of plastc that goes along the running board, ripped off the hub cap, bolt cover, and a few other pieces. By the grace of God, she wasnt hurt except she might have smashed her ear into the door when she hit the pole. Made us late for the appointment, but it was worth it to know she was the only person involved in the whole thing and she was ok.
Get into the appointment and no shocker here, my blood pressure was 20 points over where it always is. Get into the ultrasound room and start measuring. Baby's head is measuring about 3 weeks ahead and the rest of the body is about 2 weks ahead. The computer estimates this baby to weigh about 6lb 9 oz, give or take 3/4 lb. BIG BABY! Thats quite big for having 5 weeks to go. Crazines continues a bit when baby makes it hard to get a very good picture of the heart. Dr comes in and does his own try and sees that one side of the heart has started compensating for the low oxygen level and has started to get bigger on one side. Yes, something else to be concerned with now, but we are far from done with seeing drs. Its not something to freak out about now, but it could cause us to have to move up surgery. Its looking like I wont be allowed to go over at all, if anything, we might be looking at delivering before 40 weeks. Dont know but we'll find out I'm sure soon enough. Other than that, nothing has changed except baby growing big. We have one more appointment with our regular ob before we move onto a st cloud ob. Come to also find out, its good that we are going to deliver in st cloud, our ob will be on vacation! If she were in the delivery room, she would tell everyone to chill because of the baby's issues, but since she isnt, she feels better knowing we are going to st cloud.
We have at least 1 more appointment with the clinic dr we've been seeing with a possible appointment with the cardiologist, dr chip. No appointment set yet, but thats coming soon enough.
So here I sit, unemployed, very pregnant, and blogging from my phone. What a trip this i becoming!! Well, I'm going to get the little man down for his nap then we get to head into the store to get some milk and stuff. I'll post something for Anthony later on. I'm just too pooped and frustrated with my phone. Please excuse the errors, I'll try to fix them later.

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