Tuesday, March 31, 2009

How sweet it is

So, today I told my mom's parents. It was so cute because I asked my "Poppy" if "Grammy" was around and he said yes and handed her the phone and walked out of the room. I had to wait about 5 mins before she went to tell him that I had something I wanted to tell both of them together. When I told them they were talking over each other super excited and asking all sorts of questions "How far along?" "When are you due?" "When did you find out?" "How are you feeling?" and the works. It was so cute. They are so old fashioned so I had to explain how I knew something was different and how I found out so soon (hard to believe its been almost 2 weeks since we found out!). I am praying I'm as blessed as they both were (never sick, didn't get very big, lost all the weight and a little more very quickly) but have a sinking feeling I'm the odd ball. Always have been. But that's not all the good news in our family right now.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

How big is baby?

Already a busy little bee, your developing embryo now has three layers. The outer layer, or ectoderm, will develop into the nervous system, while the endoderm, or inner layer, will become the liver, pancreas, intestines, and bladder. This week, the mesoderm, or middle layer, is developing into the heart and circulatory system, which will be the first organs to function. In the weeks to come, the mesoderm will also form the bones, muscles, kidneys and reproductive organs.
Hold onto your--breasts! If they don't feel sore yet, chances are they will in another few days. For many women, breast tenderness is the first physical sign of pregnancy. Other symptoms include fatigue, nausea, bloating, and, less commonly at this stage, a craving for foods containing salt, iron, or vitamin C.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Closing in on 5 weeks

and so far, I'm feeling pretty good all things considered. My boobs hurt like someone is beating the hell out of them, I'm bloated, and fighting fatigue and the urge to hurl my guts into the Big John. I need naps all the time. I really can't wait until I get some energy back. I know I should be nesting (and the urge to is SO strong) but I just can't get my butt up to do it. Thank God I have 35 weeks to do it!
Seems there is a mini baby boom on GP. Wouldn't be so bad but 2 of the newest ladies REALLY piss me off. Both are attention whores to the highest. I mean, come on, you can only turn a post about anything into a post about yourself so many times. And telling people they should have sympathy for you? Gag me. Really. I want to throw up on that. I know that as soon as they get more active on there I will be wanting to poke my eyes out with cattle prods.
But its been a week since we found out. Adam is still floating around and making sure I'm not working myself too much or stressing, eating enough, sleeping enough, taking my vitamins, the works. Its really cute to see him so doting. I only hope he doesn't get overbearing. I just might have to lay down the law. Still plotting revenge for the nipple poke. That shit hurts!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

How big is baby?

Week 4

Baby's Length: <.25 in.

Baby's Weight: <.25 oz.

Baby's Size: Poppy seed

It's official, and now you want to tell the world! Many expectant parents inform friends and family right away, but others keep the news to themselves for the first few months (when most miscarriages occur). If you work, you might want to delay telling colleagues until you're ready to negotiate maternity leave. You may also want to wait before breaking the news to other children, who may have mixed feelings about the arrival of a new sibling.


There can't be two lines. But there is. And the digital can't lie, can it? It says the word I've been looking for for 14 long hard months. "Pregnant". OMGOMGOMG a baby.
Ok, so that is what was going through my mind on friday (but the digital is from today, I'll explain later) and I have been trying to keep my feet on the ground since. Now when I say two lines, I mean two lines. No "I *think* I see a line". No. There is no denying when the test line is darker than the control line. I took one before H got home and about fainted with how fast those lines popped up. I'm talking MAYBE a full minute before I knew. I put the cup (yea yea I peed in a cup) in the closet so that we could test it a few more times if he wanted. I also hid the test and jumped into the shower.
H got home and was like "ok, get to work and I'll be right in." So I went in, pulled out the cup and dipped one test and called him in. He stood over it until he saw the line. Then asks "so which line is the test line?" Then he asks "Have any more?" So he lets me dip another stick and watches that one. After he saw that there were undeniable tests right in front of him, he jumps over to me and gives me the biggest hug ever. I started bawling.
So, then last night, I can't stay away from the baby topic and just said "Mom, I can't keep my friggin mouth shut so here goes. I'm pregnant" and my mom about crapped her pants and got all happy and giddy! She was laughing and cheering me on for all the details possible. I told her to clear her schedule for Thanksgiving so she can make it up here for the birth so we'll see!
Then, today FIL was still gone on his fishing trip and so MIL, Grandpa Flo, H and I all go to church. Dear Lord above it was HOT in there. I about lost the little meal I had in me. I didn't go up for a blessing (I'm not catholic and can't take their communion) because my knees were weak. H ended up staying behind too. I had to really fight to keep my mouth shut because afterwards, because we had other company and I had to wait for them to leave. Finally they did and H was like "Should we tell them now?" "Well, I got some digitals for super cheap, I could pee on one and we just set it on the counter..." "Ok, go get one, sneak into the bathroom and take it."
So I go and do my part and read the instructions (so much easier than a regular line test!) and finish my business. Before I was done peeing, the result popped up (it said it would take upto 3 mins! that was maybe 1!). Pregnant. H then calls "I need to pee so hurry up!" without thinking I say "there's another bathroom!" then it clicks in my brain. DUH! he wants to see it before we set it out! So I hurry up and then hide the test in case he did go to the other one. he did but he made it quick, went into the bathroom I came out of, grabbed it, looked at it, then followed me the 10 feet into the kitchen. I walked in and stood across from MIL and jumped into the conversation. Huge smiles on our faces, H puts it down and walks away. MIL looks over (cause I can't stop looking at it) with a look that says "WTF? What is that?" and FIL is asking MIL about something. Finally she can't stand it anymore and jumps up to see what it is. FIL bellows "TAMMIE! Answer me!" She hollars back "Shut up, Scott! Their PREGNANT!" OMG the looks on their faces! I think the test laid on the counter a full 90 seconds before it got to her. They are so over the moon but understand no one else can know just yet. SO exciting!
So, that's all that's been going on so far. 4w2d now. November 28th for a due date. WOW. its all so real!