Saturday, October 24, 2009

How Big is Baby Anthony?

How far along? 35 weeks!
Waist measurement: 49.0 inches, he dropped a little on Saturday
Total weight gain/loss: up 19 lbs. 214 lbs. 33lbs to date gained
How much does Baby weigh?: 6.5 lbs, maybe? Hard to tell now!
Maternity clothes? but of course!
Stretch marks? They are there. Growing and turning bright red-ish/purple on me.
Sleep: sleep is getting harder and harder now, but that's to be expected when you can't flip over easily. Getting up to pee 2-3 times a night makes long stretches of sleep kinda hard too...
Best moment this week: getting photos online and realizing just how far I've come!
Movement: still very active.
Food cravings: cereal, milk, orange soda, and some salty snacks.
Gender: I was right! Its a BOY!
Labor Signs: Had some more serious BH contractions, but they stopped on their own when I went home. I guess the dr is comfortable with letting me labor and won't stop it if it starts!
Belly Button in or out?: in, but barely. getting flatter every day.
What I miss: breathing deeply and shaving my legs. UGH I hate not being able to daily anymore!
What I am looking forward to: the next appointment. I get to find out if I'm starting to dilate and prep for him to be born. On top of that, I have some testing to do and then after that, its weekly appointments. SO CLOSE! And on November 4th I have my work shower. Then, who knows, we could have a little one on his way!

Imagine you are holding a five-pound bag of sugar. That's what holding your baby might feel like right about now. In week 35, the average baby weighs in at around five to six pounds and measures about 16 to 19 inches in length. Still not considered "full term" (that'll happen at the end of the thirty-seventh week), his breathing and digestive systems are almost ready to roll, and he's beginning to develop his own immune system.
The tiny details of the fetus are complete at this point, too. Toenails are fully formed and fingernails reach over the ends of miniscule fingertips. Can a fetus feel an itch? We don't know that, but we do know that they often scratch themselves before birth.
And for a recent belly shot!
Quite the difference now!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

How Big is Baby Anthony?

How far along? 34 weeks!
Waist measurement: 48.0 inches, he dropped a little on Saturday
Total weight gain/loss: up 18 lbs. 213 lbs.
How much does Baby weigh?: 6 lbs 3 oz as of Friday! We have a BIG boy on the way
Maternity clothes? but of course!
Stretch marks? They are there. Growing and turning bright red-ish/purple on me.
Sleep: sleep is getting harder and harder now, but that's to be expected when you can't flip over easily. Getting up to pee 2-3 times a night makes long stretches of sleep kinda hard too...
Best moment this week: When we went to our drs appt this week, we allowed both ILs to come in and see the baby. This was the first time FIL had seen an u/s in action and Adam tells me he was grinning from ear to ear. That was great. Along with the facts that Anthony has a head that is in the 89th percentile (measuring 38w) and several longer bones measuring 1-2 weeks ahead. Over all, he's measuring in the 67th percentile. God be with me when it comes time to deliver. We also had the family shower today (Sunday) and took lots of photos and got lots of great gifts. Photos to follow later on when I'm feeling a little better. Right now I'm a bit overwhelmed with all that should be going on in the coming weeks, but will do my best to get it all on here.
Movement: still very active.
Food cravings: cereal, milk, cheetos, orange soda, and some salty snacks.
Gender: I was right! Its a BOY!
Labor Signs: still just the BH contractions. Nothing to get excited about.
Belly Button in or out?: in, but barely. its so goofy looking now
What I miss: breathing deeply and shaving my legs. UGH I hate not being able to daily anymore!
What I am looking forward to: the next appointment. I get to find out if I'm starting to dilate and prep for him to be born. On top of that, I have some testing to do and then after that, its weekly appointments. SO CLOSE! And on November 4th I have my work shower. Shall be fun! We are also going to buy some plaster to make a mold of the belly. I can't wait to see how that turns out. I can't believe this journey is so close to be over!


Exactly how would you like your child to enter the world? An increasing number of parents-to-be are creating birth plans. These documents may include everything from medical preferences to environmental concerns (low lighting, soft music, and so on) during labor, delivery, and postpartum. Try to keep the plan to one page or less--busy caregivers may not have time to read it otherwise--and give copies to your doctor or midwife and to hospital or birthing center staff as well. Keep in mind, however, that medical necessity may derail some of your preferences.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

How Big is Baby Anthony?

How far along? 33 weeks!
Waist measurement: 48.5 inches
Total weight gain/loss: up 17.5 lbs. 212.5 lbs. just about on track again. Been really watching the bad foods as much as possible
How much does Baby weigh?: 4.5 lbs
Maternity clothes? but of course!
Stretch marks? They are there. Growing and turning bright red-ish/purple on me.
Sleep: sleep is getting harder and harder now, but that's to be expected when you can't flip over easily. Getting up to pee 2-3 times a night makes long stretches of sleep kinda hard too...
Best moment this week: Actually, my best moment this week was unrelated to baby. Our kitty recognized us when we went to visit her, which was such a relief. Plus we've been packing like crazy so that's a huge relief!
Movement: still very active.
Food cravings: cereal, milk, cheetos, orange soda, and some salty snacks.
Gender: I was right! Its a BOY!
Labor Signs: still just the BH contractions. Nothing to get excited about.
Belly Button in or out?: in, but super shallow. Just about 1/8 inch deep now. Lookin kinda funny!
What I miss: breathing deeply and shaving my legs. UGH I hate not being able to daily anymore!
What I am looking forward to: the next appointment. Can't wait for the next ultrasound. I wanna see my baby Anthony again! We get our next ultrasound at the next appointment so that's awesome! Plus I have my family shower coming up this weekend. I'm SO excited!


A medicine ball! Those things are getting big!
Starting at about week 26, your baby has slept and awoken at regular intervals. He closes his eyes when he sleeps, and he'll even dream during the last month before birth. No one knows what babies dream about in the womb, but they show reactions ranging from frowns and smiles to crying and kicking. Asleep or awake, you may feel the kicks in a new place around now--in your rib cage, just below your breasts--as he moves into the head-down position where he'll probably stay until birth.


Baby’s senses are continuing to improve -- when light peeks in through your (extremely) stretched belly, those tiny eyelids and irises blink and dilate. And, baby can now recognize and react to simple songs… time to start practicing your lullabies! Growth (at least inside your womb) is starting to slow, and you may notice baby descend into your pelvis at the end of this month.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

How Big is Baby Anthony?

How far along? 32 weeks! 8 months!
Waist measurement: 48 inches
Total weight gain/loss: up 15 lbs. 210 lbs. just about on track again. Been really watching the bad foods as much as possible
How much does Baby weigh?: 4 lbs
Maternity clothes? but of course!
Stretch marks? They are there. Growing and turning bright red-ish/purple on me.
Sleep: sleep is getting harder and harder now, but that's to be expected when you can't flip over easily. Getting up to pee 2-3 times a night makes long stretches of sleep kinda hard too...
Best moment this week: going to the dr and finding out that our u/s at 22 weeks was kind of a fluke. He's measuring about a week ahead by my count and right on for the dr's count. The nurse had put in the wrong dates and that's why dr was concerned about it. Also got some torture devices to help my swelling, aching feet, back aches, and fatigue. Not overly happy about them, but oh well, they do help cut down on the pain.
Movement: still very active.
Food cravings: cereal, milk, cheetos, orange soda, and some salty snacks.
Gender: I was right! Its a BOY!
Labor Signs: still just the BH contractions. Nothing to get excited about.
Belly Button in or out?: in, but super shallow. Just under 1/4 an inch deep now. Lookin kinda funny!
What I miss: breathing deeply and shaving my legs. UGH I hate not being able to daily anymore!
What I am looking forward to: the next appointment. Can't wait for the next ultrasound. I wanna see my baby Anthony again! We get our next ultrasound at the next appointment so that's awesome! Dr wants to make sure that he's still growing like he's supposed to and to evaluate his size. The dr at class the last week talked about shoulder dystocia which has to do with baby's size in comparison to mom's hips. Click the link to read more. Other than that, my shower is coming up soon! I'm SO excited! I can't wait to see everyone and play the games!


A 5 Lb sack of potatoes. Holy crap!
This week is a milestone of sorts: Babies born after this time tend to do well even if they are premature. Nearly 10 percent of babies are born before week 37, when they officially come to term. At 32 weeks, all major organs are functioning except the lungs, which may need further time to develop. But your little one doesn't exactly look like a rosy cherub--he weighs about 3 pounds, and his thin, wrinkly skin hasn't filled out with the layers of fat that develop later. Luckily, in many cases, all he'll need is some time in an environmentally controlled isolette to become the chubby angel you imagined.