Sunday, November 22, 2009

How Big is Baby Anthony?

How far along?
39 weeks!
Waist measurement: 50.5 inches
Total weight gain/loss: up 23.5 lbs. 218.5 lbs. 37.5lbs to date gained.
How much does Baby weigh?: 8 lbs, maybe? he's such a big boy!
Maternity clothes? but of course!
Stretch marks? they're bad. Dark, half way up the belly, and my former piercing looks like hell. Its all purple and red and super tender. Lovely
Sleep: What is sleep? Any day baby boy!
Best moment this week: getting some of the things off our BRU registry and putting them together. SO exciting! His room is looking more and more like a nursery...minus the obvious part that's missing of course
Movement: still very active. Very brutal at times too
Food cravings: cereal, milk, orange soda, and some salty snacks.
Gender: I was right! Its a BOY!
Labor Signs: Contractions. I has them. Even after the false alarm on friday. Still pissed about that.
Belly Button in or out?: mostly flat with the bottom half kinda sticking out. Looks like a chicken butt, so says Adam
What I miss: everything. Biggest thing lately though is moving without so much pain. There's tendon pain on my right by my hip, the sudden movements, and contractions that catch me off guard and all. I'm ready for being a mommy
What I am looking forward to: the birth. I don't know how much more of the harder movements, contractions, and harsher comments I can really deal with. My phone is ringing off the hook DAILY with people calling and asking if I had the baby yet. I just want to be a mommy of an outside baby. That and I want a reason to not be on the schedule for over a week. GRR!
The long and short of the whole thing with the hospital is this. We got in the doors and I was having a particularly strong contraction and the lady in registering hit the panic button and put everyone on edge thinking I was on the verge of dying, the guy who pushes the wheel chairs wouldn't let Adam push me in the chair, they insisted I sit down in the chair, and they kept asking me "are you ok?" during every contraction. They got me all worked up and my labor stopped. Better not do that next time or I'll flip!
He's reached his birth weight (typically between 6 and 9 pounds) and length (18 to 22 inches), and all systems are go! Since only about 5 percent of women give birth on their due date, baby could be making his appearance at any moment. Labor may begin in several ways: mild cramps (the most common scenario), a painless trickle of straw-colored fluid caused by the rupture of the amniotic sac, or a scheduled induction or cesarean section.
If your delivery is scheduled, you'll check into the hospital and either be prepped for a c-section or given prostaglandin gel (to soften the cervix) followed by oxytocin through an intravenous drip. If you're waiting to go into labor naturally and your water has broken or your cramps are growing steadily more painful, call your doctor or midwife for instructions. She'll probably tell you to wait until the contractions are five to eight minutes apart before heading in to the hospital or birthing center. This can take many hours, especially for a first birth, so try to get some sleep, take a walk, or watch a movie--even anything that relaxes and energizes you. Think of yourself as a runner on the eve of her first marathon--a little scared, but even more excited!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

How Big is Baby Anthony?

This week's update is late because of all the stuff going on this past week. Hopefully, this will be the last?
How far along?
38 weeks!
Waist measurement: 50.5 inches
Total weight gain/loss: up 24 lbs. 219 lbs. 38lbs to date gained.
How much does Baby weigh?: 8 lbs, maybe? he's such a big boy!
Maternity clothes? but of course!
Stretch marks? they're bad. Dark, half way up the belly, and my former piercing looks like hell. Its all purple and red and super tender. Lovely
Sleep: What is sleep? Any day baby boy!
Best moment this week: seeing my mom. It was so much fun to show her every thing we have up here and seeing her just getting to enjoy a little bit of a vacation.
Movement: still very active. Very brutal at times too
Food cravings: cereal, milk, orange soda, and some salty snacks.
Gender: I was right! Its a BOY!
Labor Signs: LOTS. Not even kidding anymore.
Belly Button in or out?: just about flat. there's the smallest indent, but its hardly worth speaking of.
What I miss: everything. Biggest thing lately though is moving without so much pain. There's tendon pain on my right by my hip, the sudden movements, and contractions that catch me off guard and all. I'm ready for being a mommy
What I am looking forward to: the birth. I don't know how much more of the harder movements, contractions, and harsher comments I can really deal with. My phone is ringing off the hook DAILY with people calling and asking if I had the baby yet. I just want to be a mommy of an outside baby.
Big baby or little one? The average full-term newborn weighs between 6 and 9 pounds and is 18 to 21 inches long. Your doctor will probably be able to give you an idea of your baby's size at this point, but be aware that sometimes these are only predictions -- no one will know baby's precise size until birth. As you watch for signs that your waters have broken (contrary to what you've seen in the movies, this big event precedes labor only about 10 percent of the time), remember that these "waters" are actually amniotic fluid, the solution protects your baby from infection. At the end of the pregnancy, you're carrying between 1 to 2 pints of this precious, life-sustaining liquid.
About two weeks before birth, the placenta starts to deteriorate just a bit. It becomes less efficient in transferring nutrition, and blood clots and calcified patches start to show. This vital but short-lived organ is reaching the end of its life span.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

How Big is Baby Anthony?

How far along? 37 weeks! FULL TERM!
Waist measurement: 50.0 inches
Total weight gain/loss: up 23 lbs. 218 lbs. 37lbs to date gained. In my defense, we had a small birthday party for Adam's little cousin (she's 3 already!) and I've been drinking strawberry milk like its going out of style.
How much does Baby weigh?: 8 lbs, maybe? he's such a big boy!
Maternity clothes? but of course!
Stretch marks? they're bad. Dark, half way up the belly, and my former piercing looks like hell. Its all purple and red and super tender. Lovely
Sleep: What is sleep? I lay down, have to work my way back to sitting up because my blankets got messed up or my reflux is going nuts again. Then flipping over I wake up totally and have to pee about 90% of the time. Any day baby boy!
Best moment this week: Not really related to the baby (directly anyway) but my mom is coming up for a visit over the weekend. I haven't seen her in over 2 years and I'm praying I get to put a little baby in her arms before she leaves.
Movement: still very active. Very brutal at times too
Food cravings: cereal, milk, orange soda, and some salty snacks.
Gender: I was right! Its a BOY!
Labor Signs: contractions, back labor, and lightening all have me coming home from work more often than I would like to, but we are trying all we can to get labor going
Belly Button in or out?: just about flat. there's the smallest indent, but its hardly worth speaking of.
What I miss: seeing my feet, going up the stairs without my legs hitting my new, lowered belly, and wearing non-maternity shirts without my belly hanging out the bottom
What I am looking forward to: either little baby boy coming out or the next appointment, which ever comes first. I'm trying all the natural ways to get him out (sex, walking a lot and fast, hot baths, laying on my left, you name it) before going to things like castor oil and raspberry leaf tea. Those are for later use if it comes down to it. For now, the natural ways are working pretty good.

A diaper bag!
Babies come to term anywhere between 38 and 42 weeks--your 40-week due date simply marks the midpoint of this period. By the end of this week, your little one will be officially "on time" whenever she makes her entry into the world. In preparation for birth, most babies have moved into the head-down, back-facing position that's ideal for labor. However, she may be also be "sunny-side up," (head down, facing front--can often be delivered vaginally), breech (with feet or buttocks closest to the birth canal), or even lying crosswise in the uterus. If this is the case, and your doctor is unable to shift her position, you may be a candidate for a cesarean section.

At week 37, your pregnancy is considered full term, meaning baby is likely to thrive after birth. Baby spends these last weeks in preparation for the outside world… meaning careful refinement of the blink, suck, inhale and exhale. Meconium, which you’ll probably find in the first diaper, is accumulating in the intestines. If (okay, as) you worry about giving birth, consider what it’s like for the little one. During the journey out of your womb, baby will produce more stress hormones than any other time in life.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

How Big is Baby Anthony?

Sorry this is late. I had my computer taken away from me earlier than I had thought. I wasn't happy about it either!
How far along? 36 weeks!
Waist measurement: 49.0 inches, (I'm going to leave this number since I can't find my other tape measure.)
Total weight gain/loss: up 16 lbs. 211 lbs. 30lbs to date gained. This is the point where I could lose some weight, but dr seems unconcerned.
How much does Baby weigh?: 7 lbs, maybe? he's such a big boy!
Maternity clothes? but of course!
Stretch marks? They are there. they are starting to creep up over where my belly ring was. At least they aren't deep purple anymore.
Sleep: What is sleep? I lay down, have to work my way back to sitting up because my blankets got messed up or my reflux is going nuts again. Then flipping over I wake up totally and have to pee about 90% of the time. Any day baby boy!
Best moment this week: dr telling me that I'm 1.5 cm dialated and 50% effaced. She thinks that he will be here in about a week's time. Mostly because every time she has the house to herself, she has to come in and deliver a baby. She fingered us for that this year!
Movement: still very active. Very brutal at times too
Food cravings: cereal, milk, orange soda, and some salty snacks.
Gender: I was right! Its a BOY!
Labor Signs: contractions come and go, lightening like crazy, and we know he's head down and she could feel his head when she checked me. Any day!
Belly Button in or out?: in, but ever so slightly.
What I miss: I can breathe a little deeper, but I would love to be able to walk as fast as everyone else and not have so many people telling me to take it easy or I'll go into labor. Maybe that's the point? lol
What I am looking forward to: either little baby boy coming out or the next appointment, which ever comes first. I still think that he's going to come around when that old wives tale says (147 days after first movement felt) and that would be anytime this week. Dr and old wives tale, AND mother's gut feeling. We'll see. My manager wants me to cross my legs until the 8th so he can win back his $100!

For a child about to be born, baby fat is a very good thing. Your baby is working hard to accumulate all the fat he can at this point -- his body is growing rounder, and those adorable dimples are forming at elbows and knees. This build-up of fat -- about 15 percent of his total weight--will help him maintain his body temperature and give him a store of energy. Because the fat beneath his skin is white in color, it makes his skin appear lighter and less ruddy.
In a first-time mother, the baby often "drops" two to four weeks before delivery, as the baby's head descends into the mother's pelvic cavity. This is called "engagement," or "lightening," and it means it won't be long now before the big day!