Monday, December 28, 2009

Life Post-partum and Birth Story!

Yea, I know I've been slacking on the posting on here, but you know what? Living my life as a stay at home mom (officially!) and my boss being 5 weeks old today (HOLY SHMOLY!) and demanding means I don't get to do very much for very long. But since the little prince is sleeping, I better get my hind end in gear!
So, as I'm sure anyone who is following knows (who IS following me anyway? Please let me know) I had my precious little bundle November 23, 2009 at 2:30pm. Now, not everyone knows how this little munchkin came into the world. Let me enlighten you...
So, November 20 (Friday)
Adam and I were doing all we could think of to cause contractions (at the very least trying to enjoy life as just a couple while it lasts) and I was reading What to Expect When You're Expecting and looking to see what hints there are in there. I had bought Raspberry Leaf Tea about a week earlier and was drinking that (real tea in a tea ball, no powder or anything fake like that) as often as I could. All that really did was cause some smaller contractions (no different compared to the usual ones you get anyway) so I looked up the other "natural" methods like castor oil, stripping the membranes, Raspberry leaf tea, walking, sex, nipple stimulation, walking, and some other VERY odd methods. I tried almost all of them and nothing was working.
Thinking I was going to end up going all the way to the 30th (talk of inducing at this point on this day), I tried to get to sleep. No go. I was starting to feel contractions and they were fairly timeable, but were about 7-10 mins apart. Kept an eye on them and started thinking about calling into work. Around 9 am, they were starting to get closer and a little stronger, so I messaged Adam and asked when he was coming home (he was only working a half day) and he said he was on his way. We grabbed the bags and headed out the door to the hospital. We had to stop for gas so I called the hospital and told them we were coming (had called them a few other times through the night, but they said stay home for now). Heading down, Adam and I were talking and praying this wasn't a false alarm. The contrax ended up slowing and at one point stopping in the car, but I was thinking that I was just over thinking it and getting too worked up. Get to the hospital and once I get in the door, I get sucker punched with a particularly strong contraction out of nowhere. I had to stop and lean against a partition in the front lobby and one of the nurses came over and I swear hit the panic button right away. She started talking about how I needed to hurry up and get registered and get up to L&D asap and I needed a wheel chair and someone to push me up there NOW and Adam would have to join me later since they wanted to take me now and there was no waiting. Its a damn contraction. Adam tried to tell her that I just needed to stop and let the pain pass, that I couldn't walk through it. She didn't want to listen and grabbed the wheel chair. I sat down (pain had passed at this point and I was thinking that it was protocol...) and the wheel chair pusher starts pushing me toward the elevator. Adam was freaking out on the registering lady since he needed me there to make sure we got all the info right. Finally we get it all straightened out and I get pushed into the registering office and have a nurse standing by just in case I pop out this kid with no warning (I told you, the lady hit the panic button WAY too soon). Good thing I ended up staying with Adam as we had to correct each other with some of the info. Get up to the room and all changed and ready to do this, when the nurse comes in and tells me that she needs to check me and see if anything is going on and if so, how much. She could see on the machine that I was contracting like I should, just not as often as they would like. Checked me. Still almost NO change. DAMN IT! She asked my dr what she wanted done and the dr said "send her home". They hold onto me until noon and then find still no progress...actually things were slowing down again. LOVELY. The nurse said that since everything was looking promising, she was going to have them leave my room as it was since I totally should be back by the end of the day. Got changed, left the hospital pissed, went out to eat, walked a few laps around walmart and then went to the ILs. I was exhausted from not sleeping (timing the contrax) so I took a nap. Woke up and everything had totally stopped. Tried to walk down to the river bottom and back and walked on a tread mill for almost a full mile as fast as I could stand it. Couldn't get anything real going. Went home defeated.
Since I had called into work as going into the hospital, they had taken me off the schedule just in case I did have the baby that day. I called the next day and asked if my shift had been covered or I needed to go in. NOPE. They covered that shift and didn't give me any more. But they would put me on call for the next week. Great.
Saturday, nothing happened out of the norm.
Sunday, my MIL came over and watched the Vikes game with us. During the commercials, we did some cleaning and organizing (NOT my choice!) and I took the vacuums. I ran the first one over the rug and felt a few pains. Went over with the second and felt more pains. The whole time my PITA MIL is telling me "Keep having those pains! I want my grandbaby!" No pressure ya know, since pressure caused my labor to stop only days before! Well, she ended up leaving soon after the game and I got on the computer to putz around. Put up the weekly entry and kept goofing around online. Then the contrax started up again. I started timing them since these
The timing was any where from 4 to 20 mins inbetween and lasting from 30 seconds to 5 minutes. Right now, you are thinking "Hot damn! That's not labor. That's too long in bewtween, but those 5 min contrax must have sucked!" yes they did. Turns out, those contrax that lasted longer than 2 mins were really multiple contrax that piggy backed each other. All this started around 10:30pm. Tried to walk around the apartment and breathe through the worse ones. Sat in the tub and tried to labor there. There, they only got closer, more consistent, and more painful. Called the hospital and told them what was up and asked about the long contrax. That's when I was told about the multiples. Seems the first can go up, then as it starts to come down, another starts before you feel the first one fall, then the next comes before the second one starts to go down. Got out of the tub and decided to try sleeping. Its like 1 am at this point. I'm tired and yelling at Adam to wake up and take times for each one. about 2 am they are really close (3-5 mins apart) and I can't get comfy at all. I'm literally watching the clock to wish it along! About 3am I can't stand it anymore and we grab the bags again and head to the hospital. This time, the contrax don't stop in the car. Its foggy out and I'm wishing Adam could drive faster. We talk the whole time about how this better not be another false alarm and making a plan in case it is. I could tell something was different though.
Got to the hospital and left the bags in the car again (no use in bringing them up only to bring them back down if we get sent home). Head to the door and there's a friggin DUCK walking back and forth in front of the door, making it open and shut. White as snow DUCK. Get checked in and up to my room (same room, ironically!). dressed and hooked up, they check me. Sure enough there was progress. 3cm and about 80-90% effaced. They kept me there! Its like 4 am and the nurse is telling me to get comfy any way I can. I tried sleeping, that didn't work. I hopped in the whirlpool tub (OMG HEAVEN!) and labored in there for about an hour. I was actually able to sleep through the pain and it helped it not hurt so much. I got out of the tub after my hour and the nurse tells me that she'll call the dr around 6 am and let her know what's going on. 6:15 comes and the nurse lets me know that the dr says if there isn't more significant progress, she'll break my water around 8 and if that doesn't ramp things up, she'll start pitocin soon after. My dr comes in around 8 and says "Not too much progress, still about 3ish, but more thin. I'll be back in about 20 mins to break your water, if that doesn't do anything, around 10 I'll order pitocin." She comes back, breaks my water, and leaves. Contrax don't really ramp up, so I ask for a labor ball and get back in the tub. Not comfy this time, so I was only there for about 15 mins. I get out and bounce on the ball a bit. The nurses are confused as to why I'm not leaking more water but figure its coming. 10 am comes. I'm about a 4 and about 95%. Just enough to be there and in the way. Still can't figure out the water thing, but they aren't concerned. The nurse even goes so far as to say "There's a lady in the next room over who came in after you and is already pushing! Lets get this going, Megan" Thanks lady. Its no competition! They started the pitocin soon after that. Before they got the stuff in me though, I got so worked up and scared of pitocin (oh the horror stories!) and threw up a few times. The stuff sucks. It was cold, made me shiver, and ramped up the contrax. I got back on the ball and rocked. I almost pulled Adam's wrists with how some of them were! The nurse even gave me a back rub and kept encouraging me (these people were SO awesome!). they checked me soon after (I wanna say about noon?) and said I was a 7, 100% and could take pain meds if I wanted. After all the talk of med free, I knew I couldn't stand too much more without really hurting Adam and losing steam. I asked for the intrathecal and waited for it. They told me I had to get off the ball and on the bed for this. The drug people were finishing up a surgery and would be right with me. Seemed like FOREVER and the contrax SUCKED on the bed. I couldn't move into a comfy position, They were more intense than ever with how I was positioned. The guy comes in and tells me I need to sit on the side of the bed and bend over to expose my spine. I do as I'm told but tell him that my contrax are really painful so hurry if possible. Stupid I know, but I wasn't the happiest. Boy he really had to time himself well since he only had a window of about 20 seconds between the end of one contraction to the start of another. Took like 3 tries before he could get the needle in and start injecting before I started whimpering again. Had to lay back down, flat this time, to get the meds to work. OMG those 5 mins were the WORST! But once I felt the relief, it was AMAZING. I felt NO pain. Not even pressure. The machine had to tell me when I was supposed to be feeling it. Before too long though, they started getting intense again and I would actually have to breathe through it. About 1:30 or so, they check me and tell me I'm a full 10 and totally ready, whenever the pressure starts. Adam chooses this time to get out the camera and get it ready for the big moments. DAMN IT if the damn memory card wasn't full. So Adam asks if he has enough time to go out and buy another. I told him to hurry, and the nurse said there was plenty of time. About 25 mins later, Adam still isn't back and I'm starting to feel a lot of pressure. They were coming in to put in the labor bar and get everything ready, but no hubby! I called him and told him to hurry his ass up! he told me (and I'll never forget) "Don't push without me there!" Promising I wouldn't, we hung up and the nurse glared me down. Told me I had just worried him. Adam comes FLYING into the room soon after and gets everything ready. No sooner is he all set, they are having me push with the contractions. OMG that was sweet relief since I could do something about the pain, but painful since I was trying to get the hang of pushing and was laboring him out. Adam even told them that he wanted us both to feel his head. Weirdest feeling ever! At 2:30, our little miracle was born. Much to the disbelief of everyone there, I had only pushed for 30 mins and we kind of figured out why things weren't going the way we wanted them too. Anthony's head was so low that we think his head was causing a cork effect and making it so no water could get around it. She had even scratched his head with the wand used to break my water! I had also pushed so hard and so fast, that not just his head came out with that last push. I hadn't heard them say stop so I kept going! I guess dr didn't get to check if the cord wasn't around his neck and all was well and a little cleaning. He came out in a gush of water! The dr said he was all 9s and 10s for apgar scores and looked to be totally healthy. I had a second degree tear (no walk in the park) and couldn't really stop bleeding, but all said and done, I had done just what they said. Redheads seem to have a shorter labor, but bleed like stuck pigs.
My perfect little angel was born 14:30 on November 23, 2009 at a very healthy 8lb 3oz, 20.5 inches long, 14 inch head and 13 inch chest. He had a full head of hair to match his daddy and looks that blew me away. Adam went crazy with the photos while they were cleaning him up!
We stayed in the hospital until Wednesday morning, which sucked since we weren't supposed to have any visitors. Anyone who came, we had to kind of sneak them up. No one really stopped us though.
Since then, we've had a few appointments for Anthony. His first appointment was Friday, November 27 to check his jaundice (7 out of 30) and make sure he put on his weight. When he left the hospital, he was 7 lb 14 oz. At the appointment, he was 7lb 15oz. On December 8th, he was 8lbs 13oz, 20 3/4 inches long, 15 1/4 inch head. Growing like a weed! His next appointment is his 2 month appointment in January. How time flies! I've also been weighing in around my prepregnancy weight (195) and been wearing some of my prepregnancy jeans! Thats huge! Photos to follow soon. Looking for the camera for more from this weekend.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

How Big is Baby Anthony?

How far along?
39 weeks!
Waist measurement: 50.5 inches
Total weight gain/loss: up 23.5 lbs. 218.5 lbs. 37.5lbs to date gained.
How much does Baby weigh?: 8 lbs, maybe? he's such a big boy!
Maternity clothes? but of course!
Stretch marks? they're bad. Dark, half way up the belly, and my former piercing looks like hell. Its all purple and red and super tender. Lovely
Sleep: What is sleep? Any day baby boy!
Best moment this week: getting some of the things off our BRU registry and putting them together. SO exciting! His room is looking more and more like a nursery...minus the obvious part that's missing of course
Movement: still very active. Very brutal at times too
Food cravings: cereal, milk, orange soda, and some salty snacks.
Gender: I was right! Its a BOY!
Labor Signs: Contractions. I has them. Even after the false alarm on friday. Still pissed about that.
Belly Button in or out?: mostly flat with the bottom half kinda sticking out. Looks like a chicken butt, so says Adam
What I miss: everything. Biggest thing lately though is moving without so much pain. There's tendon pain on my right by my hip, the sudden movements, and contractions that catch me off guard and all. I'm ready for being a mommy
What I am looking forward to: the birth. I don't know how much more of the harder movements, contractions, and harsher comments I can really deal with. My phone is ringing off the hook DAILY with people calling and asking if I had the baby yet. I just want to be a mommy of an outside baby. That and I want a reason to not be on the schedule for over a week. GRR!
The long and short of the whole thing with the hospital is this. We got in the doors and I was having a particularly strong contraction and the lady in registering hit the panic button and put everyone on edge thinking I was on the verge of dying, the guy who pushes the wheel chairs wouldn't let Adam push me in the chair, they insisted I sit down in the chair, and they kept asking me "are you ok?" during every contraction. They got me all worked up and my labor stopped. Better not do that next time or I'll flip!
He's reached his birth weight (typically between 6 and 9 pounds) and length (18 to 22 inches), and all systems are go! Since only about 5 percent of women give birth on their due date, baby could be making his appearance at any moment. Labor may begin in several ways: mild cramps (the most common scenario), a painless trickle of straw-colored fluid caused by the rupture of the amniotic sac, or a scheduled induction or cesarean section.
If your delivery is scheduled, you'll check into the hospital and either be prepped for a c-section or given prostaglandin gel (to soften the cervix) followed by oxytocin through an intravenous drip. If you're waiting to go into labor naturally and your water has broken or your cramps are growing steadily more painful, call your doctor or midwife for instructions. She'll probably tell you to wait until the contractions are five to eight minutes apart before heading in to the hospital or birthing center. This can take many hours, especially for a first birth, so try to get some sleep, take a walk, or watch a movie--even anything that relaxes and energizes you. Think of yourself as a runner on the eve of her first marathon--a little scared, but even more excited!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

How Big is Baby Anthony?

This week's update is late because of all the stuff going on this past week. Hopefully, this will be the last?
How far along?
38 weeks!
Waist measurement: 50.5 inches
Total weight gain/loss: up 24 lbs. 219 lbs. 38lbs to date gained.
How much does Baby weigh?: 8 lbs, maybe? he's such a big boy!
Maternity clothes? but of course!
Stretch marks? they're bad. Dark, half way up the belly, and my former piercing looks like hell. Its all purple and red and super tender. Lovely
Sleep: What is sleep? Any day baby boy!
Best moment this week: seeing my mom. It was so much fun to show her every thing we have up here and seeing her just getting to enjoy a little bit of a vacation.
Movement: still very active. Very brutal at times too
Food cravings: cereal, milk, orange soda, and some salty snacks.
Gender: I was right! Its a BOY!
Labor Signs: LOTS. Not even kidding anymore.
Belly Button in or out?: just about flat. there's the smallest indent, but its hardly worth speaking of.
What I miss: everything. Biggest thing lately though is moving without so much pain. There's tendon pain on my right by my hip, the sudden movements, and contractions that catch me off guard and all. I'm ready for being a mommy
What I am looking forward to: the birth. I don't know how much more of the harder movements, contractions, and harsher comments I can really deal with. My phone is ringing off the hook DAILY with people calling and asking if I had the baby yet. I just want to be a mommy of an outside baby.
Big baby or little one? The average full-term newborn weighs between 6 and 9 pounds and is 18 to 21 inches long. Your doctor will probably be able to give you an idea of your baby's size at this point, but be aware that sometimes these are only predictions -- no one will know baby's precise size until birth. As you watch for signs that your waters have broken (contrary to what you've seen in the movies, this big event precedes labor only about 10 percent of the time), remember that these "waters" are actually amniotic fluid, the solution protects your baby from infection. At the end of the pregnancy, you're carrying between 1 to 2 pints of this precious, life-sustaining liquid.
About two weeks before birth, the placenta starts to deteriorate just a bit. It becomes less efficient in transferring nutrition, and blood clots and calcified patches start to show. This vital but short-lived organ is reaching the end of its life span.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

How Big is Baby Anthony?

How far along? 37 weeks! FULL TERM!
Waist measurement: 50.0 inches
Total weight gain/loss: up 23 lbs. 218 lbs. 37lbs to date gained. In my defense, we had a small birthday party for Adam's little cousin (she's 3 already!) and I've been drinking strawberry milk like its going out of style.
How much does Baby weigh?: 8 lbs, maybe? he's such a big boy!
Maternity clothes? but of course!
Stretch marks? they're bad. Dark, half way up the belly, and my former piercing looks like hell. Its all purple and red and super tender. Lovely
Sleep: What is sleep? I lay down, have to work my way back to sitting up because my blankets got messed up or my reflux is going nuts again. Then flipping over I wake up totally and have to pee about 90% of the time. Any day baby boy!
Best moment this week: Not really related to the baby (directly anyway) but my mom is coming up for a visit over the weekend. I haven't seen her in over 2 years and I'm praying I get to put a little baby in her arms before she leaves.
Movement: still very active. Very brutal at times too
Food cravings: cereal, milk, orange soda, and some salty snacks.
Gender: I was right! Its a BOY!
Labor Signs: contractions, back labor, and lightening all have me coming home from work more often than I would like to, but we are trying all we can to get labor going
Belly Button in or out?: just about flat. there's the smallest indent, but its hardly worth speaking of.
What I miss: seeing my feet, going up the stairs without my legs hitting my new, lowered belly, and wearing non-maternity shirts without my belly hanging out the bottom
What I am looking forward to: either little baby boy coming out or the next appointment, which ever comes first. I'm trying all the natural ways to get him out (sex, walking a lot and fast, hot baths, laying on my left, you name it) before going to things like castor oil and raspberry leaf tea. Those are for later use if it comes down to it. For now, the natural ways are working pretty good.

A diaper bag!
Babies come to term anywhere between 38 and 42 weeks--your 40-week due date simply marks the midpoint of this period. By the end of this week, your little one will be officially "on time" whenever she makes her entry into the world. In preparation for birth, most babies have moved into the head-down, back-facing position that's ideal for labor. However, she may be also be "sunny-side up," (head down, facing front--can often be delivered vaginally), breech (with feet or buttocks closest to the birth canal), or even lying crosswise in the uterus. If this is the case, and your doctor is unable to shift her position, you may be a candidate for a cesarean section.

At week 37, your pregnancy is considered full term, meaning baby is likely to thrive after birth. Baby spends these last weeks in preparation for the outside world… meaning careful refinement of the blink, suck, inhale and exhale. Meconium, which you’ll probably find in the first diaper, is accumulating in the intestines. If (okay, as) you worry about giving birth, consider what it’s like for the little one. During the journey out of your womb, baby will produce more stress hormones than any other time in life.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

How Big is Baby Anthony?

Sorry this is late. I had my computer taken away from me earlier than I had thought. I wasn't happy about it either!
How far along? 36 weeks!
Waist measurement: 49.0 inches, (I'm going to leave this number since I can't find my other tape measure.)
Total weight gain/loss: up 16 lbs. 211 lbs. 30lbs to date gained. This is the point where I could lose some weight, but dr seems unconcerned.
How much does Baby weigh?: 7 lbs, maybe? he's such a big boy!
Maternity clothes? but of course!
Stretch marks? They are there. they are starting to creep up over where my belly ring was. At least they aren't deep purple anymore.
Sleep: What is sleep? I lay down, have to work my way back to sitting up because my blankets got messed up or my reflux is going nuts again. Then flipping over I wake up totally and have to pee about 90% of the time. Any day baby boy!
Best moment this week: dr telling me that I'm 1.5 cm dialated and 50% effaced. She thinks that he will be here in about a week's time. Mostly because every time she has the house to herself, she has to come in and deliver a baby. She fingered us for that this year!
Movement: still very active. Very brutal at times too
Food cravings: cereal, milk, orange soda, and some salty snacks.
Gender: I was right! Its a BOY!
Labor Signs: contractions come and go, lightening like crazy, and we know he's head down and she could feel his head when she checked me. Any day!
Belly Button in or out?: in, but ever so slightly.
What I miss: I can breathe a little deeper, but I would love to be able to walk as fast as everyone else and not have so many people telling me to take it easy or I'll go into labor. Maybe that's the point? lol
What I am looking forward to: either little baby boy coming out or the next appointment, which ever comes first. I still think that he's going to come around when that old wives tale says (147 days after first movement felt) and that would be anytime this week. Dr and old wives tale, AND mother's gut feeling. We'll see. My manager wants me to cross my legs until the 8th so he can win back his $100!

For a child about to be born, baby fat is a very good thing. Your baby is working hard to accumulate all the fat he can at this point -- his body is growing rounder, and those adorable dimples are forming at elbows and knees. This build-up of fat -- about 15 percent of his total weight--will help him maintain his body temperature and give him a store of energy. Because the fat beneath his skin is white in color, it makes his skin appear lighter and less ruddy.
In a first-time mother, the baby often "drops" two to four weeks before delivery, as the baby's head descends into the mother's pelvic cavity. This is called "engagement," or "lightening," and it means it won't be long now before the big day!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

How Big is Baby Anthony?

How far along? 35 weeks!
Waist measurement: 49.0 inches, he dropped a little on Saturday
Total weight gain/loss: up 19 lbs. 214 lbs. 33lbs to date gained
How much does Baby weigh?: 6.5 lbs, maybe? Hard to tell now!
Maternity clothes? but of course!
Stretch marks? They are there. Growing and turning bright red-ish/purple on me.
Sleep: sleep is getting harder and harder now, but that's to be expected when you can't flip over easily. Getting up to pee 2-3 times a night makes long stretches of sleep kinda hard too...
Best moment this week: getting photos online and realizing just how far I've come!
Movement: still very active.
Food cravings: cereal, milk, orange soda, and some salty snacks.
Gender: I was right! Its a BOY!
Labor Signs: Had some more serious BH contractions, but they stopped on their own when I went home. I guess the dr is comfortable with letting me labor and won't stop it if it starts!
Belly Button in or out?: in, but barely. getting flatter every day.
What I miss: breathing deeply and shaving my legs. UGH I hate not being able to daily anymore!
What I am looking forward to: the next appointment. I get to find out if I'm starting to dilate and prep for him to be born. On top of that, I have some testing to do and then after that, its weekly appointments. SO CLOSE! And on November 4th I have my work shower. Then, who knows, we could have a little one on his way!

Imagine you are holding a five-pound bag of sugar. That's what holding your baby might feel like right about now. In week 35, the average baby weighs in at around five to six pounds and measures about 16 to 19 inches in length. Still not considered "full term" (that'll happen at the end of the thirty-seventh week), his breathing and digestive systems are almost ready to roll, and he's beginning to develop his own immune system.
The tiny details of the fetus are complete at this point, too. Toenails are fully formed and fingernails reach over the ends of miniscule fingertips. Can a fetus feel an itch? We don't know that, but we do know that they often scratch themselves before birth.
And for a recent belly shot!
Quite the difference now!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

How Big is Baby Anthony?

How far along? 34 weeks!
Waist measurement: 48.0 inches, he dropped a little on Saturday
Total weight gain/loss: up 18 lbs. 213 lbs.
How much does Baby weigh?: 6 lbs 3 oz as of Friday! We have a BIG boy on the way
Maternity clothes? but of course!
Stretch marks? They are there. Growing and turning bright red-ish/purple on me.
Sleep: sleep is getting harder and harder now, but that's to be expected when you can't flip over easily. Getting up to pee 2-3 times a night makes long stretches of sleep kinda hard too...
Best moment this week: When we went to our drs appt this week, we allowed both ILs to come in and see the baby. This was the first time FIL had seen an u/s in action and Adam tells me he was grinning from ear to ear. That was great. Along with the facts that Anthony has a head that is in the 89th percentile (measuring 38w) and several longer bones measuring 1-2 weeks ahead. Over all, he's measuring in the 67th percentile. God be with me when it comes time to deliver. We also had the family shower today (Sunday) and took lots of photos and got lots of great gifts. Photos to follow later on when I'm feeling a little better. Right now I'm a bit overwhelmed with all that should be going on in the coming weeks, but will do my best to get it all on here.
Movement: still very active.
Food cravings: cereal, milk, cheetos, orange soda, and some salty snacks.
Gender: I was right! Its a BOY!
Labor Signs: still just the BH contractions. Nothing to get excited about.
Belly Button in or out?: in, but barely. its so goofy looking now
What I miss: breathing deeply and shaving my legs. UGH I hate not being able to daily anymore!
What I am looking forward to: the next appointment. I get to find out if I'm starting to dilate and prep for him to be born. On top of that, I have some testing to do and then after that, its weekly appointments. SO CLOSE! And on November 4th I have my work shower. Shall be fun! We are also going to buy some plaster to make a mold of the belly. I can't wait to see how that turns out. I can't believe this journey is so close to be over!


Exactly how would you like your child to enter the world? An increasing number of parents-to-be are creating birth plans. These documents may include everything from medical preferences to environmental concerns (low lighting, soft music, and so on) during labor, delivery, and postpartum. Try to keep the plan to one page or less--busy caregivers may not have time to read it otherwise--and give copies to your doctor or midwife and to hospital or birthing center staff as well. Keep in mind, however, that medical necessity may derail some of your preferences.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

How Big is Baby Anthony?

How far along? 33 weeks!
Waist measurement: 48.5 inches
Total weight gain/loss: up 17.5 lbs. 212.5 lbs. just about on track again. Been really watching the bad foods as much as possible
How much does Baby weigh?: 4.5 lbs
Maternity clothes? but of course!
Stretch marks? They are there. Growing and turning bright red-ish/purple on me.
Sleep: sleep is getting harder and harder now, but that's to be expected when you can't flip over easily. Getting up to pee 2-3 times a night makes long stretches of sleep kinda hard too...
Best moment this week: Actually, my best moment this week was unrelated to baby. Our kitty recognized us when we went to visit her, which was such a relief. Plus we've been packing like crazy so that's a huge relief!
Movement: still very active.
Food cravings: cereal, milk, cheetos, orange soda, and some salty snacks.
Gender: I was right! Its a BOY!
Labor Signs: still just the BH contractions. Nothing to get excited about.
Belly Button in or out?: in, but super shallow. Just about 1/8 inch deep now. Lookin kinda funny!
What I miss: breathing deeply and shaving my legs. UGH I hate not being able to daily anymore!
What I am looking forward to: the next appointment. Can't wait for the next ultrasound. I wanna see my baby Anthony again! We get our next ultrasound at the next appointment so that's awesome! Plus I have my family shower coming up this weekend. I'm SO excited!


A medicine ball! Those things are getting big!
Starting at about week 26, your baby has slept and awoken at regular intervals. He closes his eyes when he sleeps, and he'll even dream during the last month before birth. No one knows what babies dream about in the womb, but they show reactions ranging from frowns and smiles to crying and kicking. Asleep or awake, you may feel the kicks in a new place around now--in your rib cage, just below your breasts--as he moves into the head-down position where he'll probably stay until birth.


Baby’s senses are continuing to improve -- when light peeks in through your (extremely) stretched belly, those tiny eyelids and irises blink and dilate. And, baby can now recognize and react to simple songs… time to start practicing your lullabies! Growth (at least inside your womb) is starting to slow, and you may notice baby descend into your pelvis at the end of this month.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

How Big is Baby Anthony?

How far along? 32 weeks! 8 months!
Waist measurement: 48 inches
Total weight gain/loss: up 15 lbs. 210 lbs. just about on track again. Been really watching the bad foods as much as possible
How much does Baby weigh?: 4 lbs
Maternity clothes? but of course!
Stretch marks? They are there. Growing and turning bright red-ish/purple on me.
Sleep: sleep is getting harder and harder now, but that's to be expected when you can't flip over easily. Getting up to pee 2-3 times a night makes long stretches of sleep kinda hard too...
Best moment this week: going to the dr and finding out that our u/s at 22 weeks was kind of a fluke. He's measuring about a week ahead by my count and right on for the dr's count. The nurse had put in the wrong dates and that's why dr was concerned about it. Also got some torture devices to help my swelling, aching feet, back aches, and fatigue. Not overly happy about them, but oh well, they do help cut down on the pain.
Movement: still very active.
Food cravings: cereal, milk, cheetos, orange soda, and some salty snacks.
Gender: I was right! Its a BOY!
Labor Signs: still just the BH contractions. Nothing to get excited about.
Belly Button in or out?: in, but super shallow. Just under 1/4 an inch deep now. Lookin kinda funny!
What I miss: breathing deeply and shaving my legs. UGH I hate not being able to daily anymore!
What I am looking forward to: the next appointment. Can't wait for the next ultrasound. I wanna see my baby Anthony again! We get our next ultrasound at the next appointment so that's awesome! Dr wants to make sure that he's still growing like he's supposed to and to evaluate his size. The dr at class the last week talked about shoulder dystocia which has to do with baby's size in comparison to mom's hips. Click the link to read more. Other than that, my shower is coming up soon! I'm SO excited! I can't wait to see everyone and play the games!


A 5 Lb sack of potatoes. Holy crap!
This week is a milestone of sorts: Babies born after this time tend to do well even if they are premature. Nearly 10 percent of babies are born before week 37, when they officially come to term. At 32 weeks, all major organs are functioning except the lungs, which may need further time to develop. But your little one doesn't exactly look like a rosy cherub--he weighs about 3 pounds, and his thin, wrinkly skin hasn't filled out with the layers of fat that develop later. Luckily, in many cases, all he'll need is some time in an environmentally controlled isolette to become the chubby angel you imagined.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

How Big is Baby Anthony?

How far along? 31 weeks! Single digit weeks now! HOLY CRAP!
Waist measurement: 47.5 inches
Total weight gain/loss: up 17 lbs. 212 lbs. NOT happy about that jump in numbers. The swelling went away for a day or two, but is coming back again. LOVELY. I'm calling a do over on the weigh in tomorrow before hopping in the shower. I guess you are at your heaviest at night.
How much does Baby weigh?: 3.5 lbs
Maternity clothes? but of course!
Stretch marks? They are there. Growing and turning bright red-ish/purple on me.
Sleep: sleep is getting harder and harder now, but that's to be expected when you can't flip over easily. Getting up to pee 2-3 times a night makes long stretches of sleep kinda hard too...
Best moment this week: Realizing we only have NINE weeks left!! Adam also gets kicked a little more from time to time. I love the look on his face!
Movement: still very active.
Food cravings: cereal, milk, cheetos, orange soda, and some salty snacks. time to cut back again...
Gender: I was right! Its a BOY!
Labor Signs: still just the BH contractions. Nothing to get excited about.
Belly Button in or out?: in, but super shallow. Just under 1/4 an inch deep now. Lookin kinda funny!
What I miss: walking like a normal person, falling asleep easily, bending over to pick something up or tie my shoes without having to stop half way to catch more air
What I am looking forward to: the next appointment. Can't wait for the next ultrasound. I wanna see my baby Anthony again! I'm also excited for this week's class. This is the one where we have a dr coming in to answer questions. Shall be interesting as most of the couples in class seem to be afraid to speak! The tour went well, but the video really struck a nerve with me as it was about pain meds and c-sections. I want to avoid c-sections as much as possible without putting Anthony's life at risk. The pain meds I'm not heart set on, but the c-section thing upsets me. Long story.


He's entering a growth spurt. For the next eight weeks, he'll gain weight faster than he increases in length, at the rate of about half a pound a week. The bigger he gets, the harder it will be to "see" him on ultrasound and get a good estimate of his size--the margin of error increases to 15 percent by the end of the third trimester. But he's definitely growing fast, and you'll notice that his kicks will start to feel more like squirming as he runs out of room to roam.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

How Big is Baby Anthony?

How far along? 30 weeks!
Waist measurement: 46.5 inches Now, don't fret over the shrinking number, we think he's flipped to the head down position (last night my pelvis took a bad beating) and therefore, my belly won't be growing as much the way it has. We shall see, though.
Total weight gain/loss: up 11 lbs. 206 lbs. Been trying to watch what I eat a little more and control the swelling
How much does Baby weigh?: 3 lbs
Maternity clothes? but of course!
Stretch marks? They are there. Growing and turning bright red-ish/purple on me.
Sleep: sleep is getting harder and harder now, but that's to be expected when you can't flip over easily. Getting up to pee 2-3 times a night makes long stretches of sleep kinda hard too...
Best moment this week: Realizing we only have TEN weeks left!! Also, on a different note, Adam's Uncle's GF's daughter (say that 3 times fast) had a baby on Friday. She was about 27 weeks. Baby girl is doing great (scored 9 out of 10 on apgar scale!) and mother is fine after emergency c-section. Oddest thing about it all? She didn't know she was pregnant! Congrats to the family though!
Movement: more active.
Food cravings: banana bread, milk, cheetos, orange soda, and some salty snacks. All things in moderation, right?
Gender: I was right! Its a BOY!
Labor Signs: still just the BH contractions. Nothing to get excited about.
Belly Button in or out?: in, but super shallow. Just under 1/4 an inch deep now. Lookin kinda funny!
What I miss: walking fast enough to keep up with people and being able to shave my legs. Now adding I would like to be able to put on my shoes and socks without breathing heavily and people NOT telling me "OMG you're huge!" when they see me. I know I'm bigger than some think. I didn't start out that small and I'm carrying all the belly in front pretty much straight out. I've also had MANY people asking if I've got twins in there. Umm, no but thanks for that lovely boost in self esteem.
What I am looking forward to: the next appointment. Can't wait for the next ultrasound. I wanna see my baby Anthony again! I'm also excited for this week's class. This is the one we are supposed to get to tour the hospital and we have a dr coming in to answer questions. Shall be interesting as most of the couples in class seem to be afraid to speak!

Just wanted to point out, there is a change to the format of these entries. Baby Anthony's name is being added. We chose this name because of Adam's good friend who died in Iraq back in 2005 (his nick name was Ant, which we plan to adopt also) and FIL's middle name is Anthony. Needless to say when we told the IL's what his name is going to be (unless he comes out looking nothing like an Anthony) we thought it would be a while before they shared the news. NOPE! Half of Little Falls already knows! Our runner up name is Isaiah.

From, Anthony is the size of a thick wool sweater, folded...WTF?

Your baby likely tops three pounds now and measure up to 17 inches in length. The lanugo, the downy hair that has covered most of his body during the past weeks, begins to disappear at this point. When he's born, he may still have a few patches of fuzz, usually on his back and shoulders, but these remnants will disappear within a few weeks of birth. The hair on his head is thickening, too, though this hair is often a temporary topping that begins to shed about a month after birth, to be replaced down the road by more permanent hair.
By this week, your baby's senses are developed to the point where he can taste, touch, see, and hear what's going on around him. He'll also react to stimuli--for instance, if you poke your belly, he may kick or hit back at the spot you've touched. It's exciting to interact with your baby even before he's born. Try rubbing your belly and talking gently to him when he kicks--you may find that you're already able to calm him down.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

How Big is Baby?

How far along? 29 weeks!
Waist measurement: 47 inches *remember, I'm measuring the biggest part of my belly which may not always been the exact same spot*
Total weight gain/loss: up 10 lbs. 205 lbs. Been trying to watch what I eat a little more and control the swelling
How much does Baby weigh?: closing in on 3 lbs? (hard to tell with so many sites saying so many different numbers.
Maternity clothes? but of course!
Stretch marks? They are there. Growing and turning bright red-ish/purple on me.
Sleep: sleep is getting harder and harder now, but that's to be expected when you can't flip over easily.
Best moment this week: deciding on a name and buying a little wooden train. Each of the cars is a letter to spell out his name. Its so amazing to think that we have that chosen and can call him that (only in private for now, still telling family members first).
Movement: more active.
Food cravings: Cinnamon Toast Crunch, milk, cheetos, orange soda, and root beer floats.
Gender: I was right! Its a BOY!
Labor Signs: Mostly when I get worked up or something goofy like that. Its all braxton hicks though. I've looked it up, trust me.
Belly Button in or out?: in, but super shallow. Just under 1/2 an inch deep now. Lookin kinda funny!
What I miss: walking fast enough to keep up with people and being able to shave my legs. Now adding I would like to be able to put on my shoes and socks without breathing heavily and people NOT telling me "OMG you're huge!" when they see me. I know I'm bigger than some think. I didn't start out that small and I'm carrying all the belly in front pretty much straight out.
What I am looking forward to: the next appointment. I think there will be another ultrasound involved. Last monthly appointment (sept 16) and then we go to every other. Child birth classes are so fun and exciting to think about!

For the past six weeks or so, your baby has been listening to your voice (along with the voices of your partner, older children, and anyone else who's been talking to your belly). Speaking to your baby is not only a key part of prenatal bonding, but may also form the basis of language development. Babies who have been spoken to in utero recognize and turn to familiar voices immediately after birth. There may also be links between prenatal stimulation and the development of speech and IQ. Conversely, studies have shown that songbirds hatched from the nests of silent foster parents don't sing.


Baby’s energy is surging, thanks to the formation of white fat deposits beneath the skin. (Have those kicks and jabs to the ribs tipped you off yet?) Baby is also settling into sleep and waking cycles, though -- as you’ve also probably noticed -- they don’t necessarily coincide with your own. Also this month, all five senses are finally functional, and the brain and nervous system are going through major developments.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

How Big is Baby?

How far along? 28 weeks!
Waist measurement: 46.5 inches *remember, I'm measuring the biggest part of my belly which may not always been the exact same spot*
Total weight gain/loss: up 8 lbs. 203 lbs. Been trying to watch what I eat a little more and control the swelling
How much does Baby weigh?: closing in on 3 lbs? (hard to tell with so many sites saying so many different numbers.
Maternity clothes? but of course!
Stretch marks? They are there. Growing and turning bright red-ish/purple on me.
Sleep: sleep is getting harder and harder now, but that's to be expected when you can't flip over easily.
Best moment this week: Adam getting to feel some of the more sharp kicks and punches.
Movement: more active.
Food cravings: Cinnamon Toast Crunch, milk, cheetos, orange soda, and root beer floats.
Gender: I was right! Its a BOY!
Labor Signs: Mostly when I get worked up or something goofy like that. Its all braxton hicks though. I've looked it up, trust me.
Belly Button in or out?: in, but super shallow. about 1/2 an inch deep now. Lookin kinda funny!
What I miss: walking fast enough to keep up with people and being able to shave my legs. Now adding I would like to be able to put on my shoes and socks without breathing heavily and people NOT telling me "OMG you're huge!" when they see me. I know I'm bigger than some think. I didn't start out that small and I'm carrying all the belly in front pretty much straight out.
What I am looking forward to: the next appointment. I think there will be another ultrasound involved. Last monthly appointment (sept 16) and then we go to every other. Child birth classes (if we got in)start on Tuesdays so PRAY we got in and get to start them. So excited for it!


At the end of this week, you'll enter the third trimester--a busy time for your little one. His movements will increase from now until around week 32, when he'll start running out of room to roam. (He'll keep moving after that, but it will feel more like wiggling compared to the sharp kicks you may be experiencing now.) He's also growing strong--and long! He measures about 14 inches from head to toe, and weighs roughly 3 pounds. Your doctor will keep track of his growth by placing her hands on your belly to measure the size of your uterus, also known as fundal height.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

How Big is Baby?

How far along? 27 weeks!
Waist measurement: 46.5 inches *remember, I'm measuring the biggest part of my belly which may not always been the exact same spot*
Total weight gain/loss: up 8 lbs. 203.5 lbs. A little more than the dr would like, but who cares?
How much does Baby weigh?: 2.5lbs
Maternity clothes? but of course!
Stretch marks? They are there. Growing and turning bright red-ish/purple on me.
Sleep: Get to sleep late (late night playing) and up around 5-5:30 to either pee or drink some water. I think this will be wake up time, but I'm perfectly ok with that when he's born. Just not now.
Best moment this week: realizing I'm in my 3rd trimester! (ok, so one way of measuring has me still in my 2nd until the 3rd day in and another had me in 3rd tri last week, we are hitting in the middle) and knowing that we are full term in 10 weeks!
Movement: more active. Especially after meals and sweets. and when I lean over a bit. Like he's telling me he's cramped.
Food cravings: cereal, milk, orange soda, and chocolate. I guess he really is like his daddy more and more!
Gender: I was right! Its a BOY!
Labor Signs: Mostly when I get worked up or something goofy like that. Its all braxton hicks though. I've looked it up, trust me.
Belly Button in or out?: in, but super shallow.
What I miss: walking fast enough to keep up with people and being able to shave my legs. Now adding I would like to be able to put on my shoes and socks without breathing heavily and people NOT telling me "OMG you're huge!" when they see me. I know I'm bigger than some think. I didn't start out that small and I'm carrying all the belly in front pretty much straight out.
What I am looking forward to: the next appointment. I think there will be another ultrasound involved. Last monthly appointment (sept 16) and then we go to every other. OH YEA! and we signed up for our child birth classes! Can't wait until Sept 8!

Your frisky fetus is on another growth spurt, shooting up half an inch this week to measure about 14 inches from head to toe. He weighs roughly 2 1/2 pounds, and will gain approximately half a pound each week for the next 10 weeks. The average full-term baby weighs about 7 1/2 pounds and measures from 18 to 20 1/2 inches, but many normal, healthy babies fall outside this range. Unless your practitioner has told you of a potential problem, it's safe to assume that your little one is right on track.

Just thought I would also add that telling a pregnant woman that she's bigger than someone who is due before her isn't the best for her self-esteem. If she happens to mention she's feeling rotund or bigger, then it might be ok, but to walk up and claim "OMG! You are HUGE!" is not the nicest. Please remember this and make sure to remind her that she's beautiful and glowing. That should put her at ease. Also, ask to touch the belly unless invited. Its still kind of intrusive to just walk up. You leave yourself open for her to reach out and rub yours and make her own comment. Just a heads up!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

How Big is Baby?

How far along? 26 weeks!
Waist measurement: 46 inches
Total weight gain/loss: up 6 lbs. 201.5 lbs. None too happy about that 2 being there!
How much does Baby weigh?: 2lbs
Maternity clothes? but of course!
Stretch marks? same ones. possibly some new ones on my sides. I know my belly itches, so something is stretching.
Sleep: Getting harder. He likes to play late at night and the pillow between my knees doesn't always work like I think it should.
Best moment this week: realizing that September is just around the corner, meaning November is sneaking in!
Movement: more active. Especially after meals and sweets. and when I lean over a bit. Like he's telling me he's cramped.
Food cravings: cereal, milk, orange soda, and chocolate. I guess he really is like his daddy more and more!
Gender: I was right! Its a BOY!
Labor Signs: Only when I poo! LOL (well, you have to expect some TMI on here!) Don't worry, they go away in a minute or two.
Belly Button in or out?: in, but getting shallower!
What I miss: walking fast enough to keep up with people and being able to shave my legs.
What I am looking forward to: our next appointment (maybe this one he will co-operate?) and the baby shower, whenever that comes to be.

There's an important development in your baby's lungs this week: They begin to secrete surfactant, a fatty substance that covers the inner lining of the air sacs and allows the lungs to expand normally so breathing can occur. Although it will be approximately 10 more weeks before the lungs are fully operational, the production of surfactant is an essential step in making the fetus viable outside the womb.
A liter bottle of soda? W.O.W.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

How big is baby?

How far along? 25 weeks!
Waist measurement: 45 inches
Total weight gain/loss: up 4.5 lbs. 199.5 lbs.
How much does Baby weigh?: 1 1/2-2lbs
Maternity clothes? but of course!
Stretch marks? same ones. possibly some new ones on my sides. I know my belly itches, so something is stretching.
Sleep: Getting harder. He likes to play late at night and the pillow between my knees doesn't always work like I think it should.
Best moment this week: setting up the appointments for the next prenatal and the glucose test. Kinda nervous for the glucose test, but anything to make sure all is well!
Movement: more active. Especially after meals and sweets. and when I lean over a bit. Like he's telling me he's cramped.
Food cravings: cereal, milk, orange soda, donuts (glazed sour cream please!) and chocolate. I guess he really is like his daddy more and more!
Gender: I was right! Its a BOY!
Labor Signs: Only when I poo! LOL (well, you have to expect some TMI on here!) Don't worry, they go away in a minute or two.
Belly Button in or out?: in, but getting shallower!
What I miss: walking up stairs without losing my breath, wearing certain jeans, sleeping like a log, enjoying a drink with friends at the bar.
What I am looking forward to: Adam also seeing the movement I see, our next appointment (maybe this one he will co-operate?), and the baby shower, whenever that comes to be.

Let your spouse put an ear to your belly -- he might be able to pick up baby's heartbeat (no stethoscope required). Inside the womb, the formation of tiny capillaries is giving baby a healthy pink glow. Baby's also soaking up your antibodies, getting the immune system ready for life outside the womb. Eyes are forming, and baby will soon perfect the blink -- perfect for batting those freshly grown lashes.

The fetus weighs in at 1 1/2 to 2 pounds this week, and measures about a foot from head to toe. Though still skinny and wrinkly (skin hangs loosely until the fetus develops more baby fat), he's growing rapidly and starting to fill the space in your uterus. You'll feel his kicks and pokes more strongly with each passing week, with kick-strength peaking in about a month when he gets too crowded to do anything but squirm.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Since when is it appropriate

To question someone's intentions with their kids? To make someone feel like they will be a failure at being a parent based on their choice for child birth? Isn't it enough that a pregnant woman has to deal with people asking themselves and others "is she pg or just fat? My God! She's huge!" "I hope she's married, being pg and not married is a SIN!" "She's not eating right, I'm gonna say something for that kid's sake" "She's such a wuss when it comes to pain. How is she EVER going to do natural childbirth?"
Answer? ITS NOT! Why is it ok to make a pg woman feel like such a piece of garbage because of her choices? She wants to drink coffee while pg? LET HER! She gives up caffeine? LET HER! She wants to continue smoking? You aren't going to change her mind so let her be! She's eating something you think isn't healthy for the baby? Let her! She's probably eating a craving food and if you have EVER had a craving for food like a pg woman, you can't just say no to that craving. You have to eat it at least once. She's probably eating pretty damn healthy at home and you just aren't seeing it. Also, why is it your place to judge her? She wants to do natural, drug free birth? Don't try to talk her out of it or scare her into thinking she'll never be able to. It will only make her feel like she's never going to measure up to society's super sickly high expectations. Seriously, its none of your business. Giving advice and thinking its law is just rude. How would you like someone coming up and rubbing your belly and talking to it (pg or not!)? Would you like someone telling you you are eating junk food and its not good for you? You want someone to tell you you can't do something because you are a wuss and can't do anything? I'm willing to bet you would be fairly upset. Guess what? Being pregnant is not easy. I wouldn't change it for the world, but I have to say, there are things I NEVER thought would happen that I've had to deal with. I thought I would never feel pain in places I feel pain. I thought I would do some sort of excersize (guess what? That's safe too!) or something like it, but I've been too freaking tired with work and keeping myself healthy.
Basically, my point is, STOP JUDGING PG WOMEN! Even if you have been pg, that doesn't mean that her experience is JUST like yours. Every pregnancy is different, even for the same woman! Be respectful. Next time you see a pg woman who is looking upset/down/pissed off/whatever, walk up, tell her she's beautiful and glowing and see what she says. Stop telling her she's HUGE, that baby must be ENORMOUS! Put yourself in her shoes and think about how you would feel.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

How big is baby?

How far along? 24 weeks! 6 Months!!
Waist measurement: 45 inches
Total weight gain/loss: up 2.5 lbs. 197.5 lbs.
How much does Baby weigh?: 1 lb 8 oz (my guessing from 2 weeks ago to this week)
Maternity clothes? but of course!
Stretch marks? same ones. possibly some new ones on my sides. Some of the old ones are expanding
Sleep: still napping, gets kind of hard to get comfy while situating the belly. Wondering how its going to be later on when I'm bigger...He likes to play on what ever side I lay on so this makes getting to sleep a little bit of a challenge.
Best moment this week: The belly still rolls, but the best moment this week was getting that stupid crib situation figured out. THANK GOD we have one now. Can't wait to bring it home and put it together.
Movement: more active. Especially after meals and sweets. He also seems to know when he's being talked about because he'll give me a hard boot closer to the breast bone to let me know he's still listening. Its so amazing! He even moves a lot for Adam.
Food cravings: cereal, milk, orange soda, donuts (glazed sour cream please!) and chocolate. I guess he really is like his daddy more and more!
Gender: I was right! Its a BOY!
Labor Signs: Only when I poo! LOL (well, you have to expect some TMI on here!) Don't worry, they go away in a minute or two.
Belly Button in or out? in, but getting shallower! where my belly ring used to be is moved up from where it was. Kinda cool to see.
What I miss: walking up stairs without losing my breath, wearing certain jeans, sleeping like a log, enjoying a drink with friends at the bar.
What I am looking forward to: Adam also seeing the movement I see, our next appointment (maybe this one he will co-operate?) and spending time situating our registries and getting things started for the shower. Off to make my list!

And since only does monthly updates from week 21 on, I've decided I would use the size comparisons on Here goes!

A half Gallon of milk? Holy crap!
The unsung hero of the fetal support system is the umbilical cord, which forms a vital link between the fetus and the placenta. The cord contains two arteries and one large vein; by birth, it may measure up to four feet long. Every 30 seconds, nutrients and oxygen-rich blood are transported from the placenta to the fetus via the single vein, then back again to the placenta through the two arteries. This ingenious method ensures a constant supply of filtered air and nutrients, and keeps the mother's blood separate from the baby's.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

How big is baby?

How far along? 23 weeks, just over the hump!
Waist measurement: 44 inches (he moves around a lot now...)
Total weight gain/loss: up 3 lbs. 198 lbs.
How much does Baby weigh?: 1 lb 6 oz (my guessing from last week to this week)
Maternity clothes? but of course!
Stretch marks? same ones. possibly some new ones on my sides. Some of the old ones are expanding
Sleep: still napping, gets kind of hard to get comfy while situating the belly. Wondering how its going to be later on when I'm bigger...
Best moment this week: Watching my belly roll. I swear I saw it when he was doing his somersaults! I even saw him push off to one side and then to the other real fast while in the tub. And he kept going while I was talking to him
Movement: Fairly active. He likes to kick during work a lot and does rolls now.
Food cravings: milk, orange soda, and lots of fresh fruit (chocolate too now) and cheetos once in a while.
Gender: I was right! Its a BOY!
Labor Signs: No, just cramps
Belly Button in or out? in, but getting shallower!
What I miss: walking up stairs without losing my breath, wearing certain jeans, sleeping like a log
What I am looking forward to: Adam also seeing the movement I see, our next appointment (maybe this one he will co-operate?) and more baby shopping next Saturday. Can't wait to see what crib we fall in love with this time! And we will probably be deciding the theme for his room.

The end of this week is an important milestone: Your one-pounder would have a good chance of survival if born now--about 85 percent if given the right care. His body is well proportioned, although lacking in body fat, and the blood vessels in his lungs are developing to prepare for breathing. About 50 percent of "early preemies" experience complications ranging from eye problems to intracranial hemorrhage (spontaneous bleeding in the brain); the rate drops steadily from the 24th week onward.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Went to the dr today!

Oh my it was a day too! My cold (or whatever it is) seems to be breaking so that's good news. I'm done with being sick. Then, we went to the dr and MIL came with. I could tell she was super excited so that made it extra special.
As I was advised, I drank quite a bit of OJ before hand so that he would be active. Yea, did nothing. Little pain in the belly decided if he was going to move any body parts, it was going to be on the upper half, so no money shot and we are still 90% sure its a boy. But now we have a good reason for another u/s next time because he's big. Trust me.
Last time, we found out it was a boy because he wouldn't be still enough for the dr to use the doppler to get his hb. So we had a quick u/s and got a money shot but weren't totally sure. We also were told I wasn't gaining like I was supposed to, so the next appointment (which was today) she would take measurements to make sure he's growing right. Well, he is. And then some.
He should be right around 22weeks, but his head is measuring 24 1/2 weeks. His arms and legs and all those? 23 1/2 weeks to 24 1/2 weeks. So, he's measuring consistantly and all, just BIG. He's got long legs, long fingers, big hands, and a big head. She said he's in the 61 percentile for size. He's also weighing about 1 lb 4 oz, which is more than any of the books I've read said he should and says he should be about 15 oz. But I suppose when you are measuring ahead, you have to expect to weigh more. He also had one leg up by his chest, near his chin and his other leg kind of under him, but he wouldn't spread the legs for a money shot. Little turd. He also had his hands up by his face with one of his arms extended right infront of his nose and over his head. The dr did all she could to try and jostle him into moving somewhat, but he wouldn't give it up. Then, while checking fluid levels, the little turd starts waving his hand! We didn't get a good shot of it, but it was adorable. He has a good strong hb of 155 bpm. But since he's measuring big, that means a few things. We will be getting another u/s soon to check on his growth more and that she won't let me go over 40weeks at all. We all knew he was going to be a big boy since Adam and I were both bigger babies, but we weren't expecting this! LOL might be a hunting season baby after all! Just means that I will probably be in the house taking care of little one while Adam is out hunting. MIL might not hunt this year too, depending on when he's born.
Also got some great news from my girl Elisa in AZ. SO happy for you sweetie! Crossing fingers this time is the last trick you need! Love you!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

How big is baby?

How far along? 22 weeks, just over the hump!
Waist measurement: 43 inches (he moves around a lot now...)
Total weight gain/loss: down 1 lb. 194.0lbs. Got sick on friday and been getting a little worse every day.
How much does Baby weigh?: 1 lb 4 oz
Maternity clothes? but of course!
Stretch marks? same ones. possibly some new ones on my sides
Sleep: still napping, gets kind of hard to get comfy while situating the belly. Wondering how its going to be later on when I'm bigger...
Best moment this week: Watching my belly roll. I swear I saw it when he was doing his somersaults!
Movement: Fairly active. He likes to kick during work a lot and does rolls now.
Food cravings: milk, orange soda, and lots of fresh fruit (chocolate too now) and cheetos once in a while.
Gender: I was right! Its a BOY!
Labor Signs: No, just cramps
Belly Button in or out? in, but getting shallower!
What I miss: walking up stairs without losing my breath, wearing certain jeans, sleeping like a log
What I am looking forward to: the u/s next time to confirm gender and to make sure he's growing like he should. I also can't wait until Adam can feel him move too!
Watch what you say -- baby is now able to hear outside noise from down in the womb. Studies show that baby finds gentle music and your own voice most soothing. Nipples are starting to sprout, and that little face is fully formed. And, baby's starting to settle into sleep cycles, snoozing about 12 to 14 hours a day. It shouldn't be hard to figure out when -- just pay attention to those kicks as they start and stop.
Hair today, gone tomorrow? Your baby develops two kinds of hair in utero--the soft, downy body hair called lanugo, which generally falls off before or shortly after birth, and the hair on his head. Many parents are surprised (to say the least) to see their baby's hair at birth--blond couples often have black-haired offspring, dark ones are just as likely to deliver a little blond or redhead, and parents who have tight, wiry curls often produce babies with soft, loose ones. The bottom line seems to be that birth hair--or lack thereof--bears little resemblance to your child's "real" hair. The birth hair generally falls out by the time the baby is 6 months old, to be replaced by a more logical set of tresses.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

How big is baby?

How far along? 21 weeks, just over the hump!
Waist measurement: 44 inches
Total weight gain/loss: up 1 lb. 196.0lbs. Should make the dr happy also! I'm gaining a baby belly!
How much does Baby weigh?: about 13 oz (how accurate is TheBump?)
Maternity clothes? but of course!
Stretch marks? same ones. possibly some new ones on my sides
Sleep: still napping, gets kind of hard to get comfy while situating the belly. Wondering how its going to be later on when I'm bigger...
Best moment this week: shocking so many people at the wedding...Heidi's reaction was PRICELESS! "Oh! Goose! Its been SO long! Obviously things, changing and growing!" while her jaw about hit the floor.
Movement: Fairly active. He likes to kick during work a lot.
Food cravings: milk, orange soda, and lots of fresh fruit (chocolate too now) cutting back on salt to help with the MAJOR swelling I've been having. It all hit at once too.
Gender: I was right! Its a BOY!
Labor Signs: No, just cramps
Belly Button in or out? in, but getting shallower!
What I miss: walking up stairs without losing my breath, wearing certain jeans, sleeping like a log
What I am looking forward to: the u/s next time to confirm gender and to make sure he's growing like he should. The 27th can't come quick enough!

Baby gulps down several ounces of amniotic fluid every day, both for hydration and nutrition and to practice swallowing and digesting. And, these days, those taste buds actually work! Studies show that after birth, babies are most interested in tastes they've already experienced through amniotic fluid. Meaning, think about what you want your future child to eat as you prepare your own lunch.
By the end of this week, he'll measure about 7 inches from crown to rump and weigh nearly a pound. Not bad for a little guy who weighed barely an ounce 10 weeks ago! His hearing is developing, and sounds from your conversations can be heard inside the uterus--along with your heartbeat, stomach rumblings, and the pulsing of blood vessels. In fact, the womb is so noisy that it's been compared to an airport runway during takeoff; it's thought that the stimuli prepare the baby for the cacophony of noises, sights, and sounds that will greet him at birth.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

How big is baby?

How far along? 20 weeks, Half way there!
Waist measurement: 43 inches
Total weight gain/loss: down 4.8lbs. 190.6lbs.
How much does Baby weigh?: about 10.6 oz (how accurate is TheBump?)
Maternity clothes? but of course!
Stretch marks? same ones. possibly some new ones on my sides
Sleep: still napping, sleep is kinda hard with all the stupidly odd dreams...
Best moment this week: Being told I look even more pregnant. I was also asked "how is it all going" and I couldn't think of a bad thing to say. I'm loving it!
Movement: Fairly active. He likes to kick during work a lot.
Food cravings: milk, orange soda, and lots of fresh fruit (chocolate too now)
Gender: I was right! Its a BOY!
Labor Signs: No, just cramps
Belly Button in or out? in, but getting shallower!
What I miss: Shaving my legs in one quick movement rather than having to stop to catch my breath. Plus I miss the occasional drink.
What I am looking forward to: the u/s next time to confirm gender and to make sure he's growing like he should. The 27th can't come quick enough!
Baby's digestive system is busy creating meconium (a tarry black substance made of swallowed amniotic fluid, digestive secretion and dead cells), which will fill the first diaper after birth. And, speaking of the diaper situation... baby's genitals are now fully formed!
This week marks the halfway point in your baby's development. And right around now, nature gives her a spa treatment--a white, cream-cheesy moisturizer called vernix coats every inch of her skin, keeping it smooth and wrinkle-free for the next 20 weeks as she floats in a warm bath of amniotic fluid. She'll still be covered in vernix when she's born; your doctor or midwife will wipe it off a few moments after birth, revealing skin that's (you guessed it) baby soft.
And as an extra special bonus, here's the belly photo from last week. Sorry its late, but better late than never!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

How big is baby?

How far along? 19 weeks
Waist measurement: 43 inches Starting to grow!
Total weight gain/loss: down 5.2. 190.2lbs.
How much does Baby weigh?: about8.5 oz (how accurate is TheBump?)
Maternity clothes? but of course!
Stretch marks? same ones. possibly some new ones on my sides
Sleep: still napping when possible. Get tired easy but don't seem to sleep well.
Best moment this week: feeling our little one move and kick. He likes his chocolate but hates zesty Italian!
Movement: Fairly active. He likes to kick during work a lot.
Food cravings: milk, orange soda, and lots of fresh fruit (chocolate too now)
Gender: I was right! Its a BOY!
Labor Signs: No, just cramps
Belly Button in or out? in
What I miss: Shaving my legs in one quick movement rather than having to stop to catch my breath. Plus I miss the occasional drink.
What I am looking forward to: the u/s next time to confirm gender and to make sure he's growing like he should. I'm not gaining weight like the dr wants me to. I'm trying though! I gained about 5 lbs from last week!
Vernix caseosa, a greasy white substance made of lanugo, oil and dead skin cells (yum) now coats baby's skin, shielding it from the amniotic fluid. (Picture yourself after a nine-month bath, and the need for protection makes sense.) You might actually get to see the vernix at birth, especially if baby is premature.
Chances are you'll have a mid-pregnancy ultrasound (also called a sonogram) between weeks 18 and 22 to monitor fetal development. Be sure to bring your partner along--you'll both be amazed as your little one kicks, boxes, and even somersaults for the camera. Based on the baby's size, your doctor or midwife will be able to confirm or adjust your due date. Plus, you'll get photographic printouts to take home for friends and family. Save a couple for the baby book--these fuzzy, black-and-white snapshots are your child's very first baby pictures!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

How big is baby?

How far along? 18 weeks
Waist measurement: 40.5 inches so just about the same?(Starting to think that 42 was the end of the bloating?
Total weight gain/loss: down 10. 185.0lbs.
How much does Baby weigh?: about 7 oz
Maternity clothes? but of course!
Stretch marks? same ones. possibly some new ones on my sides
Sleep: still napping when possible. Get tired easy but don't seem to sleep well.
Best moment this week: Finding out we are having a BOY! BEYOND exciting! The Goose name will live another generation!
Movement: He was VERY active today. He likes Dove chocolate just like his Daddy and Grandma Tammie. He almost seemed to have been playing just under my belly button
Food cravings: milk, orange soda, and lots of fresh fruit
Gender: I was right! Its a BOY!
Labor Signs: No, just cramps
Belly Button in or out? in
What I miss: Can't bend over all too well without getting short on breath. That and this feeling of a balloon being blown up in my belly isn't too fun.
What I am looking forward to: the u/s next time to confirm gender and to make sure he's growing like he should. I'm not gaining weight like the dr wants me to. I'm trying though!

Your fetus has become amazingly mobile (at least compared to you), passing the hours yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking and swallowing. And, baby's finally big enough that you'll be able to feel those movements soon.
Your baby's brain is growing rapidly. By this stage, all of the major areas have been differentiated. The cortical layers, which govern specific brain functions, are beginning to form. The fetus may exhibit signs of a primitive body language in utero, such as recoiling when the needle for the amniocentesis comes too close for comfort. Within the next few weeks, he'll be able to hear voices outside the womb and respond positively to music or loving words. It's time to fine-tune your singing and storytelling skills!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

We Have A Winner

Or should I say Wiener? That's right! Its a BOY!!! Let me back up a smidge.
We went in today hoping for, but not expecting an u/s and were more than shocked when baby kept wiggling away from the dr's doppler. She could hear the baby moving around, but couldn't get a solid heartbeat. So she gave up after a few minutes and reassured us baby is fine, but she can't get a good h/b to record. She asked if we would mind going to u/s. WELL HELL NO we don't mind! We had to wait about 15-20 mins for the room to free up across the hall (all the while I have to pee like my life depends on it) and we finally get in and the dr looks at us and says, "You guys want to find out what it is?" We both answer "If we can, of course!" So she fires it up and goops on the gel. In almost no time she finds the baby and gets a good h/b to record. Then she starts looking around to see if she can figure out what this little balled up bundle of joy is. She kept seeing the umbilical cord, but couldn't get a clear money shot. Finally she says, "Yup, 90% sure its a wiener. There's the cord and everything." She will do another u/s next time to be sure and check for measurements and the likes, but today we got to see the little worm! It even had a cute little spasm and then curled back into his ball. TOO CUTE!
And what kind of mother would I be if I didn't show off the big photo?

Not the best or most clear, but its the best I have. Basically you can see legs on either side and the umbilical cord is that brighter white thing above the top leg. In between, well, you get the picture.
Needless to say we are EXCITED beyond belief and Adam is so proud. He's so excited to be able to carry on the family name. Not to mention this is the first Great Grandson on 3 out of 4 sides of the family!
Can't wait to meet you, my little boy. Now please, be a dear and don't bounce on Mommy's bladder anymore. Its getting hard to sleep and function.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

How big is baby?

How far along? 17 weeks
Waist measurement: 40.5 inches so just about the same?(Starting to think that 42 was the end of the bloating?
Total weight gain/loss: down 9.2. 185.8lbs.
How much does Baby weigh?: about 6 oz
Maternity clothes? but of course!
Stretch marks? same ones. possibly some new ones on my sides
Sleep: still napping when possible. Get tired easy but don't seem to sleep well.
Best moment this week: Making our next appointment. Hoping the dr will just do an u/s to find out what we are having.
Movement: very little, haven't had time to sit back and really think about it.
Food cravings: milk, orange soda, and lots of fresh fruit
Gender: been thinking boy all along. Everyone else says girl.
Labor Signs: No, just cramps
Belly Button in or out? in
What I miss: Can't bend over all too well without getting short on breath. That and this feeling of a balloon being blown up in my belly isn't too fun.
What I am looking forward to: the big u/s!
Baby's skeleton is hardening, changing from rubbery cartilage to bone, and fat is finally accumulating around it. The umbilical cord is getting thicker and stronger, and those little fingers and toes are now topped by one-of-a-kind prints.
At 4 to 5 inches long and about 7 ounces, your baby is roughly the size of a large pear. And she's ripening--the brain, muscles, nervous and circulatory systems, and urinary tract are all functioning. Amniotic fluid is pumping through her lungs. Her skeleton, composed of rubbery cartilage, will harden later.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

How big is baby?

How far along? 16 weeks
Waist measurement: 40.5 inches so about an 1.5 inches smaller
Total weight gain/loss: down 12.0. 183.0lbs.
How much does Baby weigh?: 3.5 oz
Maternity clothes? but of course!
Stretch marks? same ones.
Sleep: Adam snores a lot and that is hard to deal with, but I'm trying. Some new mommy worries too, but that's normal, right?
Best moment this week: feeling a small flutter on my left side (about 2 inches from my belly button) and I've noticed I've started to leak...bring on the nursing pads!
Movement: very little. about 2 inches to the left of my belly button very sporatic.
Food cravings: PB&J, meat sandwiches, milk, and orange soda
Gender: been thinking boy all along. Everyone else says girl.
Labor Signs: No, just cramps
Belly Button in or out? in
What I miss: being able to shave without getting winded. I guess I'll have to stop when it starts getting too hard. Then Adam gets to veet or nair me!
What I am looking forward to: the next appointment and then the big u/s!
Watch what you say... tiny bones forming in baby's ears mean the little one can now pick up your voice. Eyebrows, lashes and hair are starting to fill in, and taste buds are forming. And, if you're interested, an ultrasound might be able to determine gender.
Your little one has hiccups! An involuntary movement of the diaphragm causes these painless contractions. In adults, this movement is followed by closure of the vocal cords (making the familiar "hic" noise); because the baby's trachea is filled with fluid rather than air, fetal hiccups don't generate sound. The frequency of hiccups varies widely, with some babies experiencing several bouts a day and others never seeming to get them at all. By the sixth month, you'll be able to "see" fetal hiccups as they occur--they'll make your belly jump.

And now...what you all have been begging for...a belly photo!