Saturday, September 26, 2009

How Big is Baby Anthony?

How far along? 31 weeks! Single digit weeks now! HOLY CRAP!
Waist measurement: 47.5 inches
Total weight gain/loss: up 17 lbs. 212 lbs. NOT happy about that jump in numbers. The swelling went away for a day or two, but is coming back again. LOVELY. I'm calling a do over on the weigh in tomorrow before hopping in the shower. I guess you are at your heaviest at night.
How much does Baby weigh?: 3.5 lbs
Maternity clothes? but of course!
Stretch marks? They are there. Growing and turning bright red-ish/purple on me.
Sleep: sleep is getting harder and harder now, but that's to be expected when you can't flip over easily. Getting up to pee 2-3 times a night makes long stretches of sleep kinda hard too...
Best moment this week: Realizing we only have NINE weeks left!! Adam also gets kicked a little more from time to time. I love the look on his face!
Movement: still very active.
Food cravings: cereal, milk, cheetos, orange soda, and some salty snacks. time to cut back again...
Gender: I was right! Its a BOY!
Labor Signs: still just the BH contractions. Nothing to get excited about.
Belly Button in or out?: in, but super shallow. Just under 1/4 an inch deep now. Lookin kinda funny!
What I miss: walking like a normal person, falling asleep easily, bending over to pick something up or tie my shoes without having to stop half way to catch more air
What I am looking forward to: the next appointment. Can't wait for the next ultrasound. I wanna see my baby Anthony again! I'm also excited for this week's class. This is the one where we have a dr coming in to answer questions. Shall be interesting as most of the couples in class seem to be afraid to speak! The tour went well, but the video really struck a nerve with me as it was about pain meds and c-sections. I want to avoid c-sections as much as possible without putting Anthony's life at risk. The pain meds I'm not heart set on, but the c-section thing upsets me. Long story.


He's entering a growth spurt. For the next eight weeks, he'll gain weight faster than he increases in length, at the rate of about half a pound a week. The bigger he gets, the harder it will be to "see" him on ultrasound and get a good estimate of his size--the margin of error increases to 15 percent by the end of the third trimester. But he's definitely growing fast, and you'll notice that his kicks will start to feel more like squirming as he runs out of room to roam.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

How Big is Baby Anthony?

How far along? 30 weeks!
Waist measurement: 46.5 inches Now, don't fret over the shrinking number, we think he's flipped to the head down position (last night my pelvis took a bad beating) and therefore, my belly won't be growing as much the way it has. We shall see, though.
Total weight gain/loss: up 11 lbs. 206 lbs. Been trying to watch what I eat a little more and control the swelling
How much does Baby weigh?: 3 lbs
Maternity clothes? but of course!
Stretch marks? They are there. Growing and turning bright red-ish/purple on me.
Sleep: sleep is getting harder and harder now, but that's to be expected when you can't flip over easily. Getting up to pee 2-3 times a night makes long stretches of sleep kinda hard too...
Best moment this week: Realizing we only have TEN weeks left!! Also, on a different note, Adam's Uncle's GF's daughter (say that 3 times fast) had a baby on Friday. She was about 27 weeks. Baby girl is doing great (scored 9 out of 10 on apgar scale!) and mother is fine after emergency c-section. Oddest thing about it all? She didn't know she was pregnant! Congrats to the family though!
Movement: more active.
Food cravings: banana bread, milk, cheetos, orange soda, and some salty snacks. All things in moderation, right?
Gender: I was right! Its a BOY!
Labor Signs: still just the BH contractions. Nothing to get excited about.
Belly Button in or out?: in, but super shallow. Just under 1/4 an inch deep now. Lookin kinda funny!
What I miss: walking fast enough to keep up with people and being able to shave my legs. Now adding I would like to be able to put on my shoes and socks without breathing heavily and people NOT telling me "OMG you're huge!" when they see me. I know I'm bigger than some think. I didn't start out that small and I'm carrying all the belly in front pretty much straight out. I've also had MANY people asking if I've got twins in there. Umm, no but thanks for that lovely boost in self esteem.
What I am looking forward to: the next appointment. Can't wait for the next ultrasound. I wanna see my baby Anthony again! I'm also excited for this week's class. This is the one we are supposed to get to tour the hospital and we have a dr coming in to answer questions. Shall be interesting as most of the couples in class seem to be afraid to speak!

Just wanted to point out, there is a change to the format of these entries. Baby Anthony's name is being added. We chose this name because of Adam's good friend who died in Iraq back in 2005 (his nick name was Ant, which we plan to adopt also) and FIL's middle name is Anthony. Needless to say when we told the IL's what his name is going to be (unless he comes out looking nothing like an Anthony) we thought it would be a while before they shared the news. NOPE! Half of Little Falls already knows! Our runner up name is Isaiah.

From, Anthony is the size of a thick wool sweater, folded...WTF?

Your baby likely tops three pounds now and measure up to 17 inches in length. The lanugo, the downy hair that has covered most of his body during the past weeks, begins to disappear at this point. When he's born, he may still have a few patches of fuzz, usually on his back and shoulders, but these remnants will disappear within a few weeks of birth. The hair on his head is thickening, too, though this hair is often a temporary topping that begins to shed about a month after birth, to be replaced down the road by more permanent hair.
By this week, your baby's senses are developed to the point where he can taste, touch, see, and hear what's going on around him. He'll also react to stimuli--for instance, if you poke your belly, he may kick or hit back at the spot you've touched. It's exciting to interact with your baby even before he's born. Try rubbing your belly and talking gently to him when he kicks--you may find that you're already able to calm him down.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

How Big is Baby?

How far along? 29 weeks!
Waist measurement: 47 inches *remember, I'm measuring the biggest part of my belly which may not always been the exact same spot*
Total weight gain/loss: up 10 lbs. 205 lbs. Been trying to watch what I eat a little more and control the swelling
How much does Baby weigh?: closing in on 3 lbs? (hard to tell with so many sites saying so many different numbers.
Maternity clothes? but of course!
Stretch marks? They are there. Growing and turning bright red-ish/purple on me.
Sleep: sleep is getting harder and harder now, but that's to be expected when you can't flip over easily.
Best moment this week: deciding on a name and buying a little wooden train. Each of the cars is a letter to spell out his name. Its so amazing to think that we have that chosen and can call him that (only in private for now, still telling family members first).
Movement: more active.
Food cravings: Cinnamon Toast Crunch, milk, cheetos, orange soda, and root beer floats.
Gender: I was right! Its a BOY!
Labor Signs: Mostly when I get worked up or something goofy like that. Its all braxton hicks though. I've looked it up, trust me.
Belly Button in or out?: in, but super shallow. Just under 1/2 an inch deep now. Lookin kinda funny!
What I miss: walking fast enough to keep up with people and being able to shave my legs. Now adding I would like to be able to put on my shoes and socks without breathing heavily and people NOT telling me "OMG you're huge!" when they see me. I know I'm bigger than some think. I didn't start out that small and I'm carrying all the belly in front pretty much straight out.
What I am looking forward to: the next appointment. I think there will be another ultrasound involved. Last monthly appointment (sept 16) and then we go to every other. Child birth classes are so fun and exciting to think about!

For the past six weeks or so, your baby has been listening to your voice (along with the voices of your partner, older children, and anyone else who's been talking to your belly). Speaking to your baby is not only a key part of prenatal bonding, but may also form the basis of language development. Babies who have been spoken to in utero recognize and turn to familiar voices immediately after birth. There may also be links between prenatal stimulation and the development of speech and IQ. Conversely, studies have shown that songbirds hatched from the nests of silent foster parents don't sing.


Baby’s energy is surging, thanks to the formation of white fat deposits beneath the skin. (Have those kicks and jabs to the ribs tipped you off yet?) Baby is also settling into sleep and waking cycles, though -- as you’ve also probably noticed -- they don’t necessarily coincide with your own. Also this month, all five senses are finally functional, and the brain and nervous system are going through major developments.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

How Big is Baby?

How far along? 28 weeks!
Waist measurement: 46.5 inches *remember, I'm measuring the biggest part of my belly which may not always been the exact same spot*
Total weight gain/loss: up 8 lbs. 203 lbs. Been trying to watch what I eat a little more and control the swelling
How much does Baby weigh?: closing in on 3 lbs? (hard to tell with so many sites saying so many different numbers.
Maternity clothes? but of course!
Stretch marks? They are there. Growing and turning bright red-ish/purple on me.
Sleep: sleep is getting harder and harder now, but that's to be expected when you can't flip over easily.
Best moment this week: Adam getting to feel some of the more sharp kicks and punches.
Movement: more active.
Food cravings: Cinnamon Toast Crunch, milk, cheetos, orange soda, and root beer floats.
Gender: I was right! Its a BOY!
Labor Signs: Mostly when I get worked up or something goofy like that. Its all braxton hicks though. I've looked it up, trust me.
Belly Button in or out?: in, but super shallow. about 1/2 an inch deep now. Lookin kinda funny!
What I miss: walking fast enough to keep up with people and being able to shave my legs. Now adding I would like to be able to put on my shoes and socks without breathing heavily and people NOT telling me "OMG you're huge!" when they see me. I know I'm bigger than some think. I didn't start out that small and I'm carrying all the belly in front pretty much straight out.
What I am looking forward to: the next appointment. I think there will be another ultrasound involved. Last monthly appointment (sept 16) and then we go to every other. Child birth classes (if we got in)start on Tuesdays so PRAY we got in and get to start them. So excited for it!


At the end of this week, you'll enter the third trimester--a busy time for your little one. His movements will increase from now until around week 32, when he'll start running out of room to roam. (He'll keep moving after that, but it will feel more like wiggling compared to the sharp kicks you may be experiencing now.) He's also growing strong--and long! He measures about 14 inches from head to toe, and weighs roughly 3 pounds. Your doctor will keep track of his growth by placing her hands on your belly to measure the size of your uterus, also known as fundal height.