Saturday, August 29, 2009

How Big is Baby?

How far along? 27 weeks!
Waist measurement: 46.5 inches *remember, I'm measuring the biggest part of my belly which may not always been the exact same spot*
Total weight gain/loss: up 8 lbs. 203.5 lbs. A little more than the dr would like, but who cares?
How much does Baby weigh?: 2.5lbs
Maternity clothes? but of course!
Stretch marks? They are there. Growing and turning bright red-ish/purple on me.
Sleep: Get to sleep late (late night playing) and up around 5-5:30 to either pee or drink some water. I think this will be wake up time, but I'm perfectly ok with that when he's born. Just not now.
Best moment this week: realizing I'm in my 3rd trimester! (ok, so one way of measuring has me still in my 2nd until the 3rd day in and another had me in 3rd tri last week, we are hitting in the middle) and knowing that we are full term in 10 weeks!
Movement: more active. Especially after meals and sweets. and when I lean over a bit. Like he's telling me he's cramped.
Food cravings: cereal, milk, orange soda, and chocolate. I guess he really is like his daddy more and more!
Gender: I was right! Its a BOY!
Labor Signs: Mostly when I get worked up or something goofy like that. Its all braxton hicks though. I've looked it up, trust me.
Belly Button in or out?: in, but super shallow.
What I miss: walking fast enough to keep up with people and being able to shave my legs. Now adding I would like to be able to put on my shoes and socks without breathing heavily and people NOT telling me "OMG you're huge!" when they see me. I know I'm bigger than some think. I didn't start out that small and I'm carrying all the belly in front pretty much straight out.
What I am looking forward to: the next appointment. I think there will be another ultrasound involved. Last monthly appointment (sept 16) and then we go to every other. OH YEA! and we signed up for our child birth classes! Can't wait until Sept 8!

Your frisky fetus is on another growth spurt, shooting up half an inch this week to measure about 14 inches from head to toe. He weighs roughly 2 1/2 pounds, and will gain approximately half a pound each week for the next 10 weeks. The average full-term baby weighs about 7 1/2 pounds and measures from 18 to 20 1/2 inches, but many normal, healthy babies fall outside this range. Unless your practitioner has told you of a potential problem, it's safe to assume that your little one is right on track.

Just thought I would also add that telling a pregnant woman that she's bigger than someone who is due before her isn't the best for her self-esteem. If she happens to mention she's feeling rotund or bigger, then it might be ok, but to walk up and claim "OMG! You are HUGE!" is not the nicest. Please remember this and make sure to remind her that she's beautiful and glowing. That should put her at ease. Also, ask to touch the belly unless invited. Its still kind of intrusive to just walk up. You leave yourself open for her to reach out and rub yours and make her own comment. Just a heads up!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

How Big is Baby?

How far along? 26 weeks!
Waist measurement: 46 inches
Total weight gain/loss: up 6 lbs. 201.5 lbs. None too happy about that 2 being there!
How much does Baby weigh?: 2lbs
Maternity clothes? but of course!
Stretch marks? same ones. possibly some new ones on my sides. I know my belly itches, so something is stretching.
Sleep: Getting harder. He likes to play late at night and the pillow between my knees doesn't always work like I think it should.
Best moment this week: realizing that September is just around the corner, meaning November is sneaking in!
Movement: more active. Especially after meals and sweets. and when I lean over a bit. Like he's telling me he's cramped.
Food cravings: cereal, milk, orange soda, and chocolate. I guess he really is like his daddy more and more!
Gender: I was right! Its a BOY!
Labor Signs: Only when I poo! LOL (well, you have to expect some TMI on here!) Don't worry, they go away in a minute or two.
Belly Button in or out?: in, but getting shallower!
What I miss: walking fast enough to keep up with people and being able to shave my legs.
What I am looking forward to: our next appointment (maybe this one he will co-operate?) and the baby shower, whenever that comes to be.

There's an important development in your baby's lungs this week: They begin to secrete surfactant, a fatty substance that covers the inner lining of the air sacs and allows the lungs to expand normally so breathing can occur. Although it will be approximately 10 more weeks before the lungs are fully operational, the production of surfactant is an essential step in making the fetus viable outside the womb.
A liter bottle of soda? W.O.W.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

How big is baby?

How far along? 25 weeks!
Waist measurement: 45 inches
Total weight gain/loss: up 4.5 lbs. 199.5 lbs.
How much does Baby weigh?: 1 1/2-2lbs
Maternity clothes? but of course!
Stretch marks? same ones. possibly some new ones on my sides. I know my belly itches, so something is stretching.
Sleep: Getting harder. He likes to play late at night and the pillow between my knees doesn't always work like I think it should.
Best moment this week: setting up the appointments for the next prenatal and the glucose test. Kinda nervous for the glucose test, but anything to make sure all is well!
Movement: more active. Especially after meals and sweets. and when I lean over a bit. Like he's telling me he's cramped.
Food cravings: cereal, milk, orange soda, donuts (glazed sour cream please!) and chocolate. I guess he really is like his daddy more and more!
Gender: I was right! Its a BOY!
Labor Signs: Only when I poo! LOL (well, you have to expect some TMI on here!) Don't worry, they go away in a minute or two.
Belly Button in or out?: in, but getting shallower!
What I miss: walking up stairs without losing my breath, wearing certain jeans, sleeping like a log, enjoying a drink with friends at the bar.
What I am looking forward to: Adam also seeing the movement I see, our next appointment (maybe this one he will co-operate?), and the baby shower, whenever that comes to be.

Let your spouse put an ear to your belly -- he might be able to pick up baby's heartbeat (no stethoscope required). Inside the womb, the formation of tiny capillaries is giving baby a healthy pink glow. Baby's also soaking up your antibodies, getting the immune system ready for life outside the womb. Eyes are forming, and baby will soon perfect the blink -- perfect for batting those freshly grown lashes.

The fetus weighs in at 1 1/2 to 2 pounds this week, and measures about a foot from head to toe. Though still skinny and wrinkly (skin hangs loosely until the fetus develops more baby fat), he's growing rapidly and starting to fill the space in your uterus. You'll feel his kicks and pokes more strongly with each passing week, with kick-strength peaking in about a month when he gets too crowded to do anything but squirm.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Since when is it appropriate

To question someone's intentions with their kids? To make someone feel like they will be a failure at being a parent based on their choice for child birth? Isn't it enough that a pregnant woman has to deal with people asking themselves and others "is she pg or just fat? My God! She's huge!" "I hope she's married, being pg and not married is a SIN!" "She's not eating right, I'm gonna say something for that kid's sake" "She's such a wuss when it comes to pain. How is she EVER going to do natural childbirth?"
Answer? ITS NOT! Why is it ok to make a pg woman feel like such a piece of garbage because of her choices? She wants to drink coffee while pg? LET HER! She gives up caffeine? LET HER! She wants to continue smoking? You aren't going to change her mind so let her be! She's eating something you think isn't healthy for the baby? Let her! She's probably eating a craving food and if you have EVER had a craving for food like a pg woman, you can't just say no to that craving. You have to eat it at least once. She's probably eating pretty damn healthy at home and you just aren't seeing it. Also, why is it your place to judge her? She wants to do natural, drug free birth? Don't try to talk her out of it or scare her into thinking she'll never be able to. It will only make her feel like she's never going to measure up to society's super sickly high expectations. Seriously, its none of your business. Giving advice and thinking its law is just rude. How would you like someone coming up and rubbing your belly and talking to it (pg or not!)? Would you like someone telling you you are eating junk food and its not good for you? You want someone to tell you you can't do something because you are a wuss and can't do anything? I'm willing to bet you would be fairly upset. Guess what? Being pregnant is not easy. I wouldn't change it for the world, but I have to say, there are things I NEVER thought would happen that I've had to deal with. I thought I would never feel pain in places I feel pain. I thought I would do some sort of excersize (guess what? That's safe too!) or something like it, but I've been too freaking tired with work and keeping myself healthy.
Basically, my point is, STOP JUDGING PG WOMEN! Even if you have been pg, that doesn't mean that her experience is JUST like yours. Every pregnancy is different, even for the same woman! Be respectful. Next time you see a pg woman who is looking upset/down/pissed off/whatever, walk up, tell her she's beautiful and glowing and see what she says. Stop telling her she's HUGE, that baby must be ENORMOUS! Put yourself in her shoes and think about how you would feel.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

How big is baby?

How far along? 24 weeks! 6 Months!!
Waist measurement: 45 inches
Total weight gain/loss: up 2.5 lbs. 197.5 lbs.
How much does Baby weigh?: 1 lb 8 oz (my guessing from 2 weeks ago to this week)
Maternity clothes? but of course!
Stretch marks? same ones. possibly some new ones on my sides. Some of the old ones are expanding
Sleep: still napping, gets kind of hard to get comfy while situating the belly. Wondering how its going to be later on when I'm bigger...He likes to play on what ever side I lay on so this makes getting to sleep a little bit of a challenge.
Best moment this week: The belly still rolls, but the best moment this week was getting that stupid crib situation figured out. THANK GOD we have one now. Can't wait to bring it home and put it together.
Movement: more active. Especially after meals and sweets. He also seems to know when he's being talked about because he'll give me a hard boot closer to the breast bone to let me know he's still listening. Its so amazing! He even moves a lot for Adam.
Food cravings: cereal, milk, orange soda, donuts (glazed sour cream please!) and chocolate. I guess he really is like his daddy more and more!
Gender: I was right! Its a BOY!
Labor Signs: Only when I poo! LOL (well, you have to expect some TMI on here!) Don't worry, they go away in a minute or two.
Belly Button in or out? in, but getting shallower! where my belly ring used to be is moved up from where it was. Kinda cool to see.
What I miss: walking up stairs without losing my breath, wearing certain jeans, sleeping like a log, enjoying a drink with friends at the bar.
What I am looking forward to: Adam also seeing the movement I see, our next appointment (maybe this one he will co-operate?) and spending time situating our registries and getting things started for the shower. Off to make my list!

And since only does monthly updates from week 21 on, I've decided I would use the size comparisons on Here goes!

A half Gallon of milk? Holy crap!
The unsung hero of the fetal support system is the umbilical cord, which forms a vital link between the fetus and the placenta. The cord contains two arteries and one large vein; by birth, it may measure up to four feet long. Every 30 seconds, nutrients and oxygen-rich blood are transported from the placenta to the fetus via the single vein, then back again to the placenta through the two arteries. This ingenious method ensures a constant supply of filtered air and nutrients, and keeps the mother's blood separate from the baby's.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

How big is baby?

How far along? 23 weeks, just over the hump!
Waist measurement: 44 inches (he moves around a lot now...)
Total weight gain/loss: up 3 lbs. 198 lbs.
How much does Baby weigh?: 1 lb 6 oz (my guessing from last week to this week)
Maternity clothes? but of course!
Stretch marks? same ones. possibly some new ones on my sides. Some of the old ones are expanding
Sleep: still napping, gets kind of hard to get comfy while situating the belly. Wondering how its going to be later on when I'm bigger...
Best moment this week: Watching my belly roll. I swear I saw it when he was doing his somersaults! I even saw him push off to one side and then to the other real fast while in the tub. And he kept going while I was talking to him
Movement: Fairly active. He likes to kick during work a lot and does rolls now.
Food cravings: milk, orange soda, and lots of fresh fruit (chocolate too now) and cheetos once in a while.
Gender: I was right! Its a BOY!
Labor Signs: No, just cramps
Belly Button in or out? in, but getting shallower!
What I miss: walking up stairs without losing my breath, wearing certain jeans, sleeping like a log
What I am looking forward to: Adam also seeing the movement I see, our next appointment (maybe this one he will co-operate?) and more baby shopping next Saturday. Can't wait to see what crib we fall in love with this time! And we will probably be deciding the theme for his room.

The end of this week is an important milestone: Your one-pounder would have a good chance of survival if born now--about 85 percent if given the right care. His body is well proportioned, although lacking in body fat, and the blood vessels in his lungs are developing to prepare for breathing. About 50 percent of "early preemies" experience complications ranging from eye problems to intracranial hemorrhage (spontaneous bleeding in the brain); the rate drops steadily from the 24th week onward.