Monday, June 20, 2011

Anthony's turn!

So, I posted about the baby earlier, time for Anthony's post.
Lordy how this kid has grown. He is just insane. He now runs round the house making noise all the time, making me laugh hysterically at his goofy antics. He'll run around screaming, saying new words, playing with his toys, you name it. He loves how he and Adam play. They play hard too. Adam chases Anthony into our room, then Anthony turns the tables and chases Adam. They play peek a boo extreme, bounce on the bed, tickle/rib/toe nibbling, then, just when Adam asks for a break, Anthony breaks out the "aga! (again)". I think Adam has lost some weight and his arms are getting big again from throwing Anthony in the air and the major playing they do. I love watching them play and just wish I could join in. breaks my heart that I can't. But I know I'll be able to as soon as the baby is here.
Anthony has grown by leaps and bounds. He's about 23lbs, 31.5 inches tall, and has a melon that just grew again. His weight percentile has gone up a few points, his height is still in the same range, and his head has jumped back up again, near the 90%. I swear its from all the words he's learned. He has added many, even just in the past week! Kitty (he said this clear as day), mow (meow), high chai (high chair), whosthere, whosit (whos there, who is it), see (sippy), jae (jake, mil's dog), ousigh (outside), buh buh (bye bye, complete with wave), mini (minion, from the movie despicable me and a blowup toy of his), soos (shoes, as he puts them on to go ousigh). I'm sure I'm missing a bunch, but those are the newest ones. Well, he just reminded me of more. Okah (okay), uh uh oh (uh oh), nuh nuh (we think its no no by how he uses it), bah (bath).
We have started thinking about a haircut. Its starting to hang over his ears and one section even trails down his back. Its just so cute to see. I'll be sad, but its not like we hve hd to cut it often. His cousin Gage has already had 3 haircuts. Its so crazy how kids can be so different!
Anthony also had a blast at his godparents last weekend whe we went down for their baby shower. He warmed up to Morgan again very quickly, while it took a little more time to go to Anna. But by te end of the weekend, he showed them just how much babyproofing they have to do and what they are in store for. I think that they are a little more ready after 24 hours with us. Anthony even had fun at my uncle's with their dog. I dont know what Anthony will think when he larns just how crazy my uncle can be. But he also entertained my cousins and some of their friends. One friend even tried to pick up Anthony and spin around with him. I laughed pretty hard when she hurried to put him down before she fell. Good way to let them know kids arent all fun!
He finally got one of his molars last week! On top of the double ear infection he got around the beginning of the month, its been a little crazy around here. Ear infection has been treated and we are just waiting for next month for his follow up. His molar though is his top right. its still cutting through, but for the most part, its there and shouldnt be causing him any more pain. I am suspecting that the one on the other side is starting to move.
All in all, he's growing up really fast. I can't believe that he is 19 months old, walking, talking, running, and stealing hearts. Soon enough, he'll be the older brother helping me with the baby and I'll be working on potty training. *sigh* where does the time go?

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